He also ordered her to prepare for his swift departure. RC-1138 led his three commandos towards the second door, and the defending droids were destroyed in short order. [22], Separatist General Sev'rance Tann was ordered to clear the way for Count Dooku. Cavik Toth's flagship explodes behind Adi Gallia. The two later had a private meeting in the High Council Chamber. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: New Battlefronts: The Visual Guide, Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Incredible Vehicles, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, "Secret Weapons" - The Clone Wars Episode Guide, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, Republic HoloNet News Special Inaugural Edition 16:5:241, Unknown Soldier: The Story of General Grievous, Samuel L. Jackson's Purple Light Sabre - The Graham Norton Show: Series 13 Episode 13 - BBC One, https://starwars.fandom.com/wiki/First_Battle_of_Geonosis/Legends?oldid=9602803, Approx 3.96 million B1 battle droids stored on, Approximately 12,000 clones seriously injured, Approximately 8,000 clones lightly wounded. Upon entering the system, the fleet of Jedi starfighters were fired upon by Anti-orbital cannons, taking several casualties. Date Meanwhile, the Grand Army of the Republic was mobilized throughout the galaxy as the Clone Wars began.[1]. The droid defenses included battle droid assassins, B2 battle droids, and destroyer droids.[31]. Battle of Geonosis set In this way, another three Core Ships were taken down, before Windu was informed that contact with Master Yoda had been lost. The battle occurred after Separatist Warlords decided to leave the New Republic because of its corrupt bureaucracy. They first destroyed the Techno Union Transport ships, denying the droids escape. Battle of Geonosis Wallpaper. The Republic force soon destroyed the droids to prevent the balance of power from swinging. 179 Jedi[source? Confederacy of Independent Systems[1]Dark Acolytes[7]Order of the Sith Lords[1] They also spotted General Grievous's Soulless One. This map consists of two Hailfire Droids, two Geonosian Starfighters, two Spider Walkers, two LA-AT Gunships, and two AT-TEs. It would be the first major combat of the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi would fight in years. Dooku, a wide grin on his face, pushed Kenobi's blade aside, and suddenly jabbed at Kenobi's arm, cutting it across the side. hide. Concurrent This allowed the Aken to escape and eventually reach the surface of Geonosis. After having escorted the Aken to the surface of Geonosis, Master Gallia and Siri Tachi led several LAAT/i gunships at their command to deploy troopers near the power plant. He reasoned that, since Windu is the second most powerful Jedi after Yoda, Windu should have a lightsaber of a different color from the customary red, blue, and green.[48]. [14], The events soon became a full scale battle between the Geonosians, droids, and clones. As Kenobi began to strategize, Skywalker, his anger getting the best of him, charged at Dooku. A clone engineer was deployed to repair the Power droids and FX-series medical assistant droids, ensuring ammunition and medical supplies would aid the battle. [34], Three years after the battle, when Skywalker and Kenobi confronted Dooku for what was ultimately the final time aboard the Invisible Hand above Coruscant, Kenobi told Skywalker that they are to fight him together this time around, referring to Skywalker's earlier brash attempt at attacking Dooku head-on that got him blasted with Force Lightning, with Skywalker admitting he was going to suggest the exact same thing.[35]. [1], Kenobi followed the tip from his friend Dexter Jettster to the planet Kamino, which had been erased from the Jedi Archives by forces unknown. This article needs to be provided with more sources and/or appearances to conform to a higher standard of article quality. Be the first to review this product . ], Despite taking control of the surface of the planet, the Republic was unable to capture the Separatist leadership and stop the war before it began, and most of the Confederacy's battle droids and heavy equipment escaped aboard Core Ships.[1]. [3], The pirate Nym was later offered the post of commander of the Karthakk system, although he declined. The Jedi strike team landed in a captured Confederate outpost and moved toward the arena in a convoy of RTTs. A holocron created by Bail Organa, one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, contained a list of possible hideouts in the event that the Yavin 4 base was lost. There he discovered that ten years earlier, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had placed an order for a clone trooper army. These things are fucked beyond belief. Following the Rebel Alliance's major victory at Yavin, Imperial forces eventually forced the Rebellion to abandon their base on Yavin 4. At one point in the arena battle, Ki-Adi-Mundi can be seen wielding a green lightsaber, unlike his customary blue lightsaber. [14], A Geonosian soldier was shot and killed, which resulted in him dropping a Sith holocron on top of the wrecked Hardcell. [1], Kenobi attacked again, attempting to regain the offensive, but was forced into retreat by Dooku's elegant Form II bladework. Would not be surprised to see a nerf on these in the future. Remove this notice when finished. The troopers then used the AT-TE to mount an assault on a nearby hill fortress, soon securing it. It was the site of the Battle of Geonosis, the opening conflict of the Clone Wars, as well as the subsequent invasion by the Galactic Republic. [1], Skywalker, taking up the second blade, began to unleash of flurry of broad Form IV attacks, briefly taking the Count off his guard. Drawing his lightsaber and angling the blade into a guard position, Dooku awaited Kenobi. Nym and his forces dealt with the capital ship turrets on the destroyers while the Jedi attacked the waves of fighters. A squadron of Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptor, led by Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli, approach Geonosis to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker. [1] Trailing Dooku and the Republic gunship was General Mace Windu in a fighter tank, who was intercepted by three of Dooku's Dark Acolytes in front of the hangar. Battle. "The First Battle of Geonosis, also referred to as the Battle of Geonosis, was the first major battle fought in 22 BY between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic on Geonosis, marking the beginning of the three-year Clone Wars. [18], Months later, the Republic occupation force was defeated, necessitating another planet-wide invasion. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He penetrated the droid defenses and destroyed the last power nodes with his lightsaber. Conflict Geonosians, who viewed all sentients without wings as inferior castes, were always slighted by Republic's refusal to accept supremacy of their queen. MOC-43041 Star Wars Battle of Geonosis / Core Ship Designer ALostDroid MOC FACTORY contains 1319 pieces, first released in 2020. This article needs appropriate citations. Geonosian members of Sollas Vikkal's squad.. A scene where Plo Koon and Ki-Adi-Mundi raid a Lucrehulk-class Droid Control Ship was originally going to be included, but did not appear in the final cut. Thousands of star systems and conglomerates including the Trade Federation, InterGalactic Banking Clan, Techno Union, Commerce Guild and the Corporate Alliance, had seceded and joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems under the guidance of former-Jedi Count Dooku as terrorist strikes hit the capital planet Coruscant. [47] Another cut scene was the appearance of the Corporate Alliance tank droid. Nym sustained critical damage to his craft during the fight, and was forced to leave the battlefield. The drop zone for the clone army at the battle. Finally, I added the upper module (com and detection I guess) made from recycled material and styrene sheets. [2], After the rescue of the Jedi, the droid and clone armies engaged one another in a complex series of engagements on a number of different fronts. After several intense minutes, the droid was blown up, and a gunship blasted the shield protecting the Core Ship's entryway, allowing access for Delta Squad.[10]. The clone was then helped inside the walker as it plowed through the hole in the droid's defensive formation CT-1226 had formed. Along the way, Delta Squad also eliminated significant numbers of droids, Geonosian warriors, and an anti-aircraft turret. Pleased by the news of war he received from Dooku, Darth Sidious ordered the former Jedi, now the Sith Lord Darth Tyranus,[1] to retreat to Raxus Prime to prepare a second battlefront against the Republic.[source?] The Republic had planned the attack as a sudden, overwhelming assault that would catch the Separatists off guard and prevent them from gaining further influence.[source?]. Meanwhile, Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon and a team of other Jedi, including Plo Koon, destroyed several Core Ships and Techno Union vessels. Warding off Dooku with two rapid strikes, Skywalker quickly retreated, regaining his composure. This thread is archived. See the request on the listing or on this article's talk page. His signal was rerouted through Amidala's ship on Tatooine, as she and Skywalker had traveled there in a failed attempt to rescue his mother. A clone trooper was assigned to secure Checkpoint Alpha. Minutes after the arena, there were clone troopers fighting battle droids with both sides suffering heavy casualties. Aken was escorted by Jedi starfighters lead by Adi Gallia, who had traveled from Nod Kartha, and Siri Tachi. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Dooku then remorsefully signaled the surrounding droids to execute the Jedi. [4] Shortly afterward, the two opposing governments fought the Decimator campaign[7] and the Dark Reaper Crisis. A Jawa carrying a probe droid in a net bumps into him and drags him away. [16] Thousands of clone troopers had died in the fighting, and most of the Confederacy's army had been safely evacuated aboard Core Ships during the battle. [18], The last cannon, however, was housed in a Geonosian base. Mace Windu and Luminara Unduli slipped past the firing range of the cannons and piloted TX-130S fighter tanks, and employed communications jamming to stop any CIS forces from calling for reinforcements. However, the Republic's crucial use of aerial bombardment of the Separatists' fighter craft allowed the Republic's gunships to have air superiority throughout much of the battle, giving the clone forces a crucial advantage. "[8], Later, above a crevasse, the Republic Commando squad Theta Squad rappelled in and placed charges on a Geonosian door, while Delta Squad held off OG-9 homing spider droids nearby. The Republic Senate planned to meet that year to discuss the Military Creation Act. Gallia then volunteered to be his personal "Jedi advisor. [7], In the midst of battle, the Republic's Hawkbat Battalion was ordered to march directly into the line of fire of a column of spider droids. The three captives, Skywalker, Amidala and Kenobi managed to avoid the beasts that had been set upon them long enough for Master Windu's 212-Jedi rescue mission team to arrive. After Yoda's inspection of the Republic Clone Army on Kamino, a legion of clone troopers were drafted into the Republic army, and Yoda used the clones to assist the Jedi Strike Team in rescuing Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and Senator Amidala, all of whom had been taken prisoner on Geonosis by Count Dooku. Geonosis Battle: Ships. [11] Gaba-18 airspeeders provided reconnaissance. Galactic Republic victory[1]End of the Separatist Crisis[1]Beginning of the Clone Wars[1]Anakin Skywalker passes the Trial of the Flesh[6]Count Dooku's dark side allegiance is revealed[1] Surrounded by spider droids, he defended their position for three hours until the casevac team arrived. [1], As Dooku briefly caught his breath, he noticed the sound of footsteps and the clack of a cane, as well as the characteristic panting. As the Jedi appeared throughout the arena, many Geonosians fled. Following the arena battle, the clones and Jedi fought outside, in the desolate wasteland of Geonosis' desert. [9] Jedi Master Mace Windu, who was fighting on the ground, made his way to a LAAT/i and used it to destroy several Hardcell-class interstellar transports before landing and defending in a TX-130 Saber-class fighter tank SPHA guns bringing down Core Ships. [4], Count Dooku traveled to Coruscant to meet with his master, who was settled in an abandoned executive building in The Works, not far from the Senate District and the Jedi Temple. report. Second Battle of Lok[2] Windu and Unduli cleared the way in their tanks. Navigating through the asteroid ring, the Jedi received a hyperspace transmission from the pirate Nym, warning that Captain Cavik Toth of Sabaoth Squadron was en route to Geonosis with his Hex fleet. A trooper kept Tann updated with Count Dooku's status. Kenobi refused, and Dooku suggested it would be difficult for him to secure his release. They engaged Windu in combat, and all three were killed by the Jedi Master's TX-130S fighter tank, but not soon enough to allow the Korun master to involve himself in the fight. The Jedi Master now ordered the army's artillery to attempt to take down as many of the heavily armored Trade Federation Core Ships as possible,[1] as they each held millions of deadly battle droids, and managed to bring down at least one. [1], On his way to Geonosis, Dooku encoded a message to General Sev'rance Tann telling her he foresaw a great battle was about to happen. Author. [10], Suddenly, however, an A-DSD advanced dwarf spider droid came through a different doorway, and began firing its cannons at the stranded squad. Previous Dooku's wing guard of fighters piloted by Geonosians opened fire on the gunship; the resulting attack on the gunship led to Amidala and a clone trooper falling to the desert below. There, a blockade of Missile Frigates arrived to trap them. CT-1226 disabled the B2 with an electromagnetic pulse grenade and destroyed the droid with his blaster. During the course of the engagement, two Spider Droids arrived on the battlefield. [28] Yoda ordered the clones to form a perimeter around the survivors as they evacuated. 25 comments. [1] Dooku was able to recover his guard and drive Anakin back. The Hex threat was summarily defeated under Jedi firepower, though the pilots were soon outmatched with the arrival of two Sabaoth destroyers and complements of Sabaoth starfighters and Defenders. Skywalker, meanwhile, escorted Senator Amidala back to Naboo, where they were wed in a secret ceremony. Skywalker eventually landed at Kenobi's feet. A Hailfire droid passed over his head. [18], Also around this time, the Acclamator-class assault ship Aken was traveling to Geonosis through its asteroid belt. He was the only survivor of Theta. [14], General Windu arrived shortly after and led an assault that secured the Northern CIS bunker against droids including Assault battle droids, engineer battle droids. During the tour, he met the bounty hunter Jango Fett. They then used their Nintex fighters to assault the ground forces while they were scattered. They narrowly escaped their executions, which involved an acklay, a nexu, and a reek. The Republic, however, soon learned of the meeting after receiving a messa… As the chamber dimmed, the two advanced on each other. [1], Skywalker and Amidala traveled to Geonosis to rescue Kenobi but were captured in the Geonosis droid foundries. A B2-HA series super battle droid swatted aside B1 battle droids to target one of the walkers. When the ancient Jedi blocked, Dooku countered by ripping chunks of stone out of the hangar ceiling, a dangerous proposition as the hangar was carved out of a cavern and doing so could cause a cave-in. They received reinforcements in the form of 10 GAR Energy Pummels carried aboard AA-9 freighters while a nearby Republic Starship and Gunship Bombers engaged targets of opportunity. In the confusion of the battle, the Separatist leader Dooku, also known as Darth Tyranus, tried to flee to a hangar where his starship was docked. Place Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones is a 2002 American epic space-opera film directed by George Lucas and written by Lucas and Jonathan Hales.It is the second installment of the Star Wars prequel trilogy, the fifth Star Wars film to be produced, and the second film in the "Skywalker saga. However, the victory had not come easy. Developments on Geonosis forced Master Windu to call back Zeta Squadron leaving Gallia and Tachi with only the Revenants for support. Toth himself fled his flagship in a personal starfighter, and engaged Adi Gallia in single combat. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. He offered the chance to surrender, but Windu refused, saying the Jedi would not become hostages. [1], As Dooku raised his lightsaber to kill Kenobi, Skywalker recovered from the blast of Force lightning and saw Kenobi's predicament. Toydaria. The squad split up, tasked with sabotaging various crucial systems. Buy Now. [7], Kenobi pursued Fett to Geonosis. First Battle of Geonosis Mission to Tatooine[1]Dogfight over Geonosis[2] Concurrent: Karthakk Occupation(32–22 BBY), It is requested that this article section, This section of the article assumes 100% game completion of. 82% Upvoted . Yoda and Kenobi corner the Count, but he distracts Kenobi with more cookies and escapes. Qty-+ Add to Cart. The main reason for the Separatist's defeat was that they were caught completely by surprise, working against their numerical superiority.[source?] Geonosis[1] Download, share and comment wallpapers you like. The battle saw 212 Jedi, including Mae Windu, Coleman Trebot, Kit Fisto, and so many others tasked with rescuing Obi-Wan Kenobi, and in turn investigate the warmongering on Geonosis by the Jedi High Council. The Battle of Geonosis was the first battle between the Confederacy of Independent Systems and the Galactic Republic in the conflict that would become known as the Clone Wars.It would be the first major combat of the Grand Army of the Republic, as well as the first major battle the Jedi would fight in years.It would be the battle that sparked one of the most famous wars in galactic history. In the 2012 young-readers book LEGO Star Wars: Anakin to the Rescue, Kenobi is captured by a trap set by Count Dooku—cookies. This article or section is in need of referencing per Wookieepedia's sourcing guidelines. The two engaged in a flurry of swordplay, seemingly equally matched. Every guild member that participated in the event will receive the same reward when the event is over. [14], Master Yoda then sent a group of clone troopers, an AT-TE, and a couple of LAAT/i gunships into battle. Another cut scene was the appearance of the Corporate Alliance tank droid. [1] The rapid nature of the deployment off Kamino left "Cuy'val Dar" sergeants such as Kal Skirata reeling at waking up to discover the commando squads they had trained gone. Galactic Republic[1]Jedi Order[1]Lok Revenants[2]Mere Resistance[2] Deploying on Geonosis* in Star Wars Battlefront II, you’ll notice spiraling mountain hives built by, and for, swarms of the crafty and insect-like natives. Master Windu contacted Master Gallia for a status update. The battle also caused … A gunship was shot down, taking two Jedi out of the fight briefly, and killing Jedi Gene… Also, players can get a chance to shoot down the three Techno Union ships behind the Spire. 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As Kenobi fell back in pain, the Count stayed on him, slashing the Jedi across the leg and bringing him down. The LAAT/c is a one-manned ship. In space, the Republic fleet fought to intercept and destroy the Separatist ships that carried scores of combat droids.[source? Guilds must achieve at least 1 star to earn rewards and players must earn at least 1 Territory Point to be considered as participating. The Battle The Republic invasion Rough landing. Three months before the vote, angry showdowns occurred between planets' inhabitants and among the two opposing governments while the Refugee Relief Movement tried to help where possible. They reached the perimeter of the arena, where they destroyed tunnel catacombs deploying battle droids. [32] Eventually Kenobi, straining to keep up, was pulled into a bladelock. Core ships being unshielded is kind of problematic. In the arena battle, one of the Jedi in the strike team can be seen using a blue and a green lightsaber. Acclamator-class assault ships transported a totality of 192,000 clone troopers, 1,600 LAAT/i gunships, 400 LAAT carriers, 100 SPHA-Ts, and 2,160 AT-TEs, eventually resulting in the Republic becoming victorious. Dooku proceeded to unleash a second blast against Yoda, but as a show of his mastery, Yoda absorbed the bolt completely, with no need for deflection, showing Dooku the clear futility of this assault. Rewards are based on the total number of stars reached. The planet was home to the first battle of the Clone Wars known as the Battle of Geonosis. At least one, the Lodestar, was still active … Anakin Skywalker and Senator Padmé Amidala attempted to rescue Kenobi and were captured and sentenced to death. Because he had little practical experience with dual-wielding, Skywalker was forced to revert to his standard Form V practices when Dooku masterfully disarmed him, flicking his second blade out of Skywalker's hand and destroying the hilt in mid air. Dooku quickly seized the offensive, the precision bladework of his Makashi style wearing away at Kenobi's Form III defense. Elsewhere, Geonosian-trained acklays and nexus devoured unfortunate clone troopers. Gallia led the starfighters and destroyed a pair of the frigates in their line. While Skywalker protested that they should not leave Amidala behind, Kenobi persuaded him that they had a mission. Next The Jedi team then set off to pursue Count Dooku. RC-1138 found Sev in a corridor just before three destroyer droids rolled by, but they easily destroyed them using EC detonators, proceeding to save Scorch and Fixer, who were under heavy fire. Combatants Fortunately, Loyalist aid arrived in the form of Nym and the Lok Revenants with three G-400 starfighters and Nym's Havoc soon joined by three Mere cruisers capable of taking down Toth's capital ships. After the door was blown, Theta and Delta entered the Geonosian caverns and split up. Windu was able to defeat the trio. [1], Meanwhile, huge Republic assault ships penetrated the upper atmosphere and dropped a fleet of gunships, carrying thousands of clone troopers and dozens of AT-TEs as well as Jedi General Yoda, to the surface. I hope the points I made are valid. However, the Republic's crucial use of aerial bombardment of the Separatists' fighter craft allowed the Republic's gunships to have air superiority throughout much of the battle, giving the clone forces a crucial advantage. Dooku attempted to kill Yoda by telekinetically ripping wall fixtures out of the hangar sides and hurling them at Yoda. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Republic gunship carrying Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and clone troopers pursued him. Jedi Master Mace Windu[1]General Yoda[1]Jedi Master Adi Gallia[2]Jedi Master Echuu Shen-Jon[7]Ur-Sema Du†[8]Clone Commander CRC-09/571[9]RC-1138[10]Meebur Gascon[11]Nym[2]Antilles[2] Your best team is going to get instantly decimated. Leaping across the hangar from the corner in which he lay, Skywalker reached the two in time to block the Count's blow. This MOC-43041 belongs to Star Wars category and comes with PDF instruction which is easy to build and find the missing pieces. The clone troopers then wiped out the remaining droids, and successfully captured the spire. With the power of the biological weapon Trihexalon, Toth intended to level the battlefield on Geonosis, under the orders of Count Dooku. Dooku, affirming his apparent superior power, unleashed a barrage of Force lightning at Yoda. Turning to the hangar entrance, Dooku and the newly-arrived Yoda regarded one another. Near the end of the canyon, Tann dueled and defeated three Jedi Knights. Cyberctf346 Aug 28 2019. Geonosis, referred to as Geonosia by some natives, was the desert home planet of the Geonosians. A clone heavy trooper came into play, using his rocket launcher to destroy a Spider droid. [15], While back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Masters Kenobi and Windu both expressed their mutual belief that the battle would not have been won without the clones, but Master Yoda retorted at the irony of Obi-Wan's use of the word "victory." [18], Having beaten the droid army into retreat, Yoda noted that much of the Confederate Navy was still grounded receiving shipments of droids when the Republic attacked. The Separatist forces pushed the Republic group forward until the Aken reached the edge of the asteroid ring. Contents[show] Prologue Obi-Wan Kenobi followed the trail of Padme Amidala's would-be assassin to the planet of Geonosis, discovering a group of Separatists plotting to seccede from the Republic. Mission to Bogg 11[3]Mission to Bakura [7], Cuy'val Dar sergeant Kal Skirata lost nine commandos that he trained in the battle, namely the casualties from Theta Squad, Teroch Squad, and RC-1309's squad. Once the improvements have been completed, you may remove this notice and the page's listing. Approximately 72,000 clones were deemed combat-fit. General Grievous fleeing the battle in his fighter. Another reason they lost is that despite the fact Sev'rance Tann and General Grievous, arguably the Droid Army's most brilliant commanders, were present, they were not given command of the army, and were instead placed in support positions. The First Battle of Geonosis was a battle between the Galactic Republic's newly-created Grand Army of the Galactic Republic and the newly-formed Separatist Alliance's fledgling battle droid army. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . Republic reconnaissance troopers mounted their speeder bikes and raced across the battlefield, gathering vital information about enemy activity. Amidala and Skywalker ride the Reek, while Fett fights Windu. Wish List. The two were sentenced to death in the Petranaki arena along with Kenobi. 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