The entire point of social distancing has been to minimize the risk to those who cannot do their work remotely by asking those who can to stay home. April 14. Students can find additional information in the Undergraduate Student Guide and Graduate & Professional Student Guide. It would appear that only those who teach in the humanities can get away with arguing that they should be allowed to work from home indefinitely while the rest of the world returns to work. 4) International students know perfectly how difficult it is to renew visas and get admitted at airports; BU should put its international students in such situations again: the safety of ALL BU COMMUNITY MATTERS. It seems very naive to think that students can be protected on campus in the same way that they are in their homes. The message of this piece (and many of the other perspectives that have been expressed in the university community this summer as we move towards re-opening) is not one of complaint, not that we *don’t* want to do something, but that we *do*. Actually, I usually end up PAYING, not being paid, for my ‘own work’ whether at school or home. You put her to work. Also, many PhD students engage in decidedly NOT CUSHY fieldwork during their careers. We were in lockdown for almost two months and then those protests engendered all we have accomplished! Boston University will give its more than 18,000 undergraduate students the choice of in-person and online classes when it reopens the campus this fall. “ When the school has to close in the middle of the semester, the damage done to community health will be irreparable but the university admin only cares about PR. Remote instruction is not simply a matter of posting a lecture online—there are research-based methods for effective online teaching. I am careful. There could be 50% of professors who don’t mind or even prefer to teach in person. Go to campus right now, and you will find plenty of buildings with people working with no masks on. I trust BU 100% and I’m sure that the fall will be successful. Remind me how many hours a week you actually teach? I think the hybrid mode is the best solution. If you are unhappy with your situation so much that you have to attack PhD students, change it. Nonetheless, BU insists that we return to campus, despite no indication that disease prevalence is low enough to allow this to happen safely, and they have no plans to provide PPE. BU’s new testing facility can process 5,000 tests daily. You have brought up so many good points that have been on my mind. As the parent of a BU international student, I see first hand the struggles that my son goes through in taking the online classes during the current summer sessions. We we will all be commuting in (on public transportation) and many of us will be bringing our children in with us, as well, because schools will be in session no more than 2 days a week. I too am a student, and I too did 100% of my Zoom lectures from my bed minutes after waking up. Of course some classes were poor substitutes for in-person. Boston University closed its campus on March 22. I take my hat off to the leadership at BU and am proud that my son has been accepted into BU and will be attending BU in Fall. Most of the classroom participation in my class will have to be through digital tools, because students in a large class can’t talk in small groups while distanced. The majority of instruction at BU is done by non-tenured instructors–grad students, adjuncts, lecturers, etc., who are far from the top of the ivory tower, and equally worried about their jobs yet still trying to make sure that everyone is safe. But its not OK for you to teach my kid. Professors and graduate students are probably the MOST privileged and spoilt people I know. If your arguments are the main reasons behind the policies, then half of the university has been entirely ignored. During the time it took an asymptomatic infected person to have dinner with friends, they infected half of the people sitting at their table and 75 percent of the people at a downwind table. It is essential that the individual risk tolerances of faculty, staff and students be respected, or else our entire endeavor is … well, merely academic. Which company or which country have in place a plan and the capability to test all of the people in its community on a regular basis? Harvard University will continue with mostly online classes for undergraduates when campus reopens this fall. However, don’t forget that among us are people who still made it to their position as first-generation college students, international students, immigrants, refugees, and the working class. Published Tuesday, May 12, 2020 9:09AM EDT Some Canadian universities say classes this fall will be offered primarily online as uncertainty over the COVID-19 pandemic continues. Many corporations have adopted the concept of split operations, where for example 50% of employees will work from home while 50% will work from the office. By reducing the number of people in the office, social distancing will naturally occur. 1. Dear JFP, Students can find additional information in the … He is extremely anxious about others complying because already they are posting how they will NOT. But as an adult, and presumably an educator, you more than anyone need to understand, empathize with, and support young people through their educational journey, not tear them down after their years of hard work. Emily Chua (GRS’22) Third, regarding ICE issue:I provided arguments: 1) if the safety of faculty and students matter, it should matter for ALL of them, including international students. It looks like Harvard and MIT made their decision because they do not have the capability to do the testing that BU can. Use them to cover loss. Students can select an … BU has been thinking about this since the first day after the shutdown. What about social science and humanities? Policies include the option of both online and in-person courses for undergraduates, which will incorporate social distancing. To say that I am concerned about this would be a masterly understatement !!! Hi Emily — this is beautiful and well thought out. Boston University moderates comments to facilitate an informed, substantive, civil conversation. The resumption of in-person patient care marked the first day that students and residents were seeing patients in the School’s brand new patient treatment spaces, which were completed in late February just prior to the shutdown. I’m immunocompromised myself and don’t want this at all, but I want my degree too. We are strongly in favor of school resuming in the fall. All the legitimate objections you have to the online learning we did in the spring apply equally to LfA. I have been suffering from depression and anxiety my whole life. If they return to their country, they will be in danger. That’s all there is to it. Yes health is important but preserving health while discriminating against international students is a major problem in and of itself and no it’s not more important than health. Telling them they can stay home and learn online is no choice when many are returning. The media has scared us all into thinking this is the apocalypse- its clearly a serious health situation, but hyperfocusing on this virus without considering the effects of doing so- mental health conditions, economic stress and impact on health, loneliness, lack of treatment for other health conditions- is as potentially more dangerous and unethical than opening up a college campus with safety precautions. This article brings up many great points. I would hope so. It was founded in 1839 by Methodists with its original campus in Newbury, Vermont, before moving to Boston in 1867.. Boston University is planning both in-person and remote coursework for the fall semester, according to their website. That said, I am very pessimistic as for over a decade now the experts have been silenced and overshadowed by BU apparatchiks who are only interested in preserving their jobs at any cost. If this means sacrificing the residential college experience for another semester or two, so be it. Because she does not have your privilege and position. false positive rate is the percentage in positive test results, not the entire sample. In my Department, classes last 2 hours and 45 minutes… In full ‘protective’ mode…, I am far from convinced that this is effective teaching… And – I am over 65 years old, so I am in the CDC ‘high risk’ category…. In the latter case, the entirety of humanity is in danger. It’s also untrue that teachers aren’t team players, especially in facing our current challenges. We care about the impacts that Covid-19 could have on campus workers, some who are our friends who we stop and chat with at work. Do not assume that we are living plush, cushy lives. Thank you for your comment. There are plenty of undocumented workers and lower-wage workers who have gone several months without pay and are behind on rent. Registration for Fall 2020 is closed. But I hope members of BU who decide to go back to the school stay safe and well and be sensible as I will not want to see campus close again just like back in March. 617.353.3386 @bu_tanglewood @BUTanglewoodInstitute Boston University Tanglewood Institute Photography courtesy Stratton McCrady, John Ferrillo, and Steve Rosenthal. This is why this article is irrational and fearmongering. But unfortunately there is an error with the following information: ), This scenario is not merely hypothetical. This, despite business / management / leadership professors teaching about the benefits of teamwork. Yes, it is definitely a privilege to get to spend five years of your life learning and bettering yourself. By: Maria Papadopoulos, Boston 25 News Updated: August 6, 2020 - 9:17 PM AMHERST, Mass. But I believe less than 50% and international students should attend in-person to help mitigate contagion. 1. But fight for the truly vulnerable, it is no great thing for people of privilege to fight for more privileges. This is how we take care of each other. I was in college once and hung out with enough PHD students to know the sweet deal you get-remind everyone about the tuition windfall you get. I work in a grocery store. The reopening was a true celebration, as faculty, staff, students, residents, and patients were welcomed back with festive balloons and “Welcome Back!” signage. So, read Chua’s viewpoint and others like it closely. For international students, we can follow the lead of Harvard and MIT. They feel invulnerable and you don’t even have a strict new COVID-19 contract with severe consequences if anyone does not wear a mask, social distance or parties in residences. Please note: For many Spring 2021 online courses, the start date is not the same as the University’s start date for courses scheduled on-campus. I heard that frat parties from other schools will go on as usual, which clearly is not ideal. Presently, there are 19 states on the travel advisory list, with probably 3 more being added by next week. By the hour. Thank you for this piece. Adjuncts, lecturers and support staff that is who. Face facts. I agree that no educational campus should open for in-person operations until a vaccine is developed. Your anger seems entirely displaced. A runner passes through an arch on the campus of Boston University, in Boston, May 20, 2020. That’s why many faculty have signed the joint-union petition in support of staff. And I will remind you how many hours I have to work. As immunologist Erin Bromage explains, a COVID-19 infection occurs when you are exposed to enough viral particles. Putting the BU community at unnecessary risk is not the way to do that. Paying PhD students means that those of us who are immigrants, low income and working class, and disabled can pursue higher education. Do we want to cause another situation that leads to another lockdown and lost wages for all of these workers? I worry. Each have their own reasoning. If my son gets COVID-19, he may flight back to home immediately. Have a heart. The problem with professors, unlike employees in the corporate work, is that they tend to work individually and not in teams. The Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine resumed in-person patient care on Monday. With good support, faculty could be encouraged to used the best practices for online teaching, and I completely agree, this would be much more effective than in-person, distanced & masked learning. It would be far safer for students, staff, and faculty to remain at home and reduce the risk of disease spread. Can Biden Learn Anything from Trump about How Presidents Use Social Media? Additionally, BU has taken every precaution and measure to provide thoughtful guidelines. Consider the entire system of actors. Compelling case. In the former case, BU either opens in the fall or it closes for good. I paid for my doctorate as many are doing right now. This includes workers who only work with BU’s online programs and do not interact with on campus students in anyway. A premature return to campus also puts the community surrounding BU at risk. We want to go back to face-to-face just as much as students do, but LfA and the current situation of the world does not truly make it possible. 1% of 5,000 is 50 (not 500 that was in the article ). Yet they ask us to return? It consists of Students and professors! They have to manage all sorts of risks in their field sites. Congratulations to the Jury Prize winners Ashley Villard and Kevin “Ali” Mehdizadeh, h an Honorable Mention to Alexandria Mercado, all three are vocalists. Visit Back2BU for the latest updates and information on BU's response to COVID-19. Except, no one will pay me $30 an hour. Take a course tour to learn more about Boston University's online courses. You make more as tfs and rfs on an hourly basis than adjuncts and lecturers, and more than the service workers that keep this institution running. BU changed to hybrid and many students from the States will choose to stay home elsewhere to study (international students at the moment mostly have no choice as we are being ‘threatened’ by the US ICE to return to campus). Boy, o boy. It’s actually 70,000 but my son’s life and every staff member and student’s life is worth far more. Just because people have a PhD doesn’t mean they are privileged!!!!! It is absolutely unjust that those who must work in person— people who already work long hours at thankless jobs with rude and inconsiderate customers—are not being adequately compensated. Other scientists have documented how the virus spreads in confined spaces. Monday, August 31, 2020 Event Type. I am also concerned for other staff, especially facilities workers. Flatten the fear and raise the rationality. Thank you for this piece. Emily Chua (GRS’22) TwitterFacebook. College students threatened to revolt if universities put another semester of classes online to avoid spreading the coronavirus – but that's increasingly what … I’m not worried about the 2+ hours in the classroom, any more than I am worried about my interactions with people behind plexiglass shields in the grocery store or the post office. So, all in all, if false positive are enough to disturb the learning experience, then the positive cases should already be very high and will contribute more to the negative learning experience. The changes to SEVP policies that ICE released on Monday are a transparently xenophobic effort to punish international students who have brought their valuable skills and knowledge to the US, using the pandemic as cover to discriminate against those we should be welcoming. I think the focus will be to reverse the ICE decision. He needs to stay awake from 10pm till 8am to attend the classes. But knowing that other people in the world are worse off (and there always will be people who are worse off) does not mean that we should stop trying to make conditions better for ourselves and others. If all the students in that class come back to campus, that means that each student will only be able to come to class in person less than once every two weeks as the class meets twice a week. We live in a country where the Covid-19 situation is much better controlled compared to the US. BU is not Harvard, which recently announced its online plan. Anyone asserting that online learning even compares to an in-person experience and merits shelling out that astronomically high BU tuition (which is totally justified in a normal year) needs to re-evaluate their Spring experience. Testing may help substantially, but false positives and more importantly, false negatives, are going to happen, and I do not see any amount of testing making the campus ‘absolutely’ safe. And forget partner work or group discussions. Service workers who also make less on an hourly basis than a PhD student at BU. However, I fear (I even doubt to myself if I do return to Boston) members will be able to do this. Yes, the university is a space of privilege, and it can and must do much more to wield its privilege to the benefit of the entire community. As of this morning, COVID is on the rise in 36 states, including Massachusetts. Anyone who has been in close contact with them—such as their in-person classmates and teacher—will have to be tested and possibly quarantined for two weeks. If BU professors cannot accept this new reality, how can they teach their students to survive and thrive in this new world? How many deaths are worth it to open BU? Even leaving aside the ethical issues and health risks for staff and faculty, this is a far worse pedagogical model than online, where you can at least see faces, hear words, do interactive simulations, work collaboratively on discussion boards or collaborative text or video annotation tools, and interact with classmates for discussion and group work. With poor ventilation and in the article and subsequent comments don ’ t let BU go online... The reopening plan for each area of the community into consideration and listen to your concerned staff with families support. Place in a discussion of the real world are posting how they are their... Staff at BU in the fall student accounts before fall semester of online and in-person courses undergraduates! Them partially in-person BU ’ s wake dangerous to keep our campus workers safe this. In-Person and remote coursework for the fall semester will be successful students engage in decidedly cushy. 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