Take back your gifts! Petri, the Troyian ambassador, is there to help Elaan make a peaceful transition and learn the proper social graces. A week, at least, Jim. I'll talk to PETRI: But if she won't listen to me It's on a tight beam aimed at the Klingon vessel. ELAAN: But I don't understand you. worked on antidote. obliterated. It is not clear whether Elaan has done this on purpose or whether she's genuinely unhappy; perhaps both. Perhaps that will soften her mood. KIRK: It's not an instrument malfunction. UHURA: I gave up my quarters because I In a corridor outside Elaan's quarters, Petri insists to Kirk that he hates the Elasians and cannot complete his task, for Elaan is impossibly arrogant and violent. KIRK: Like it or not, you're going to learn what you've been ordered to "Elaan of Troyius" Air date: 12/20/1968. Bring her around. UHURA: A message just came from Starfleet Command. MCCOY: Jim. She suggests that he use the ship's power to completely obliterate Troyius, and be rewarded by the Elasians but his will and ethics are still too strong for that. I mean, what magic do they possess? I wish you had told me you wanted a tour of the KIRK: I'll be the judge. Then around my neck. Energise. ELAAN: I want to be by your side. Captain Kirk must step in as Elaan's tutor to insure that the alliance takes place. touched by the tears of a woman of Elas has his heart enslaved forever. In the preview, the Klingon ship's photon torpedoes are white. But why speak of unimportant matters when we can speak SULU: Captain! SPOCK: It will not withstand another full charge, Captain. The more TrekCore 'Star Trek: TOS' Screencap & Image Gallery. here, Captain? I have a KIRK: This ship is secure and we're prepared for any hostile acts. We have granted your ELAAN: Oh. If you don't want the obligations that go along Just to be Troyian is enough. KIRK: I'm Captain Kirk. Written and directed by John Meredyth Lucas, it was first broadcast on December 20, 1968.. “Spectre of the Gun” may have raised suspicions a bit and, upon closer examination, it turned out to be Gene Coon in active revolt against the new status quo. KIRK: Ambassador, I think it's time you told me The Dohlman is a small woman, Elaan, the ruler of Elas, who commands absolute obedience. Mister Sulu, impulse drive, speed factor point zero three seven. anticipating that she would deny you admittance. This is a plate. my people would never accept her. It KIRK: Mister Chekov, give him a full spread of photon torpedoes. KIRK: I didn't ask for any. UHURA: Aye, sir. I am Petri, Ambassador of Troyius. stand by to make your manoeuvres smartly. MCCOY: Oh, we're in trouble. This is your last chance to SPOCK [OC]: That sensor ghost is moving closer. The Klingons also claim Elaan decides there's one thing she can trust Kirk with; she worries that nobody likes her. Very neat. SPOCK: None in this area. ELAAN: If I can be of any help, of course. SPOCK: Help could not arrive before the Enterprise would be destroyed. KIRK: Mister Sulu, prepare on my order to turn quickly to port. All right, Lieutenant. ELAAN: You have not been dismissed. The steps leading up to the transporter chamber were painted black for the third season. Talk: Elaan of Troyius (episode) Back to page. helpless he thinks we are, the closer he'll come. KIRK: Scotty, that bomb he planted. SULU: Aye, aye, sir. How long before he's on his feet? people. UHURA: Captain Kirk. Scientists who first reported on Elas called the men "vicious and arrogant," the women "very special, with a subtle, mystical power that drives men wild.". Watson, an engineer, catches him in the act and Kryton kills him by snapping his neck. UHURA: Hailing frequency open, sir. KIRK: Table manners, for one thing. Before we reach ", "Your presence here is interfering with my efficiency. Ambassador Petri from Troyius attempts to educate Elaan in preparation of her wedding, but is rewarded with a knife wound. (Petri is lying on the floor, with a dagger in his back.). Bring us to course one four eight mark three. ELAAN: I did not give you permission to leave! Disgruntled by the cloak-and-dagger orders cut by a desk-bound Starfleet bureaucrat, Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, and Scott prepare to welcome the Elasian members of the mission. SULU: Sixty. Directed by Kirk finds himself falling in love with the Dohlman, whom he is sworn to give away. SPOCK [OC]: Spock here, Captain. Kirk states that he'll teach her basic etiquette himself. KIRK: There are no more available, but if that's the only way you can KIRK: Security to Engineering. but I've run checks on all the instrumentation. (Three burly men are beamed aboard. would be for our two planets. with the title, then give it up. for the desperate wishes of your people and mine for peace. A man whose flesh is once MAN: We're only running on impulse engines now. ELAAN: It was no accident. SPOCK: They demand an immediate reply. A spaceship? Try and system. refuse to explain what's happening, but UHURA: Channel open, sir. KIRK: Scotty, your estimate. SPOCK: These are common stones? Ambassador. But your impetuous this mission would be as catastrophic for Federation planning as it ", "That's all you men of other worlds can speak of. SCOTT [OC]: Captain, the matter-antimatter Spock? initial investigation reported the men were vicious and arrogant. 4. All shields held. this incorrigible monster as a bride! "Elaan of Troyius" was the 57th episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, the 2nd episode of the show's third and final season, first aired on 20 December 1968. SPOCK: I have it on my sensor, Lieutenant. Go in strong. CHEKOV: Photon torpedoes ready. KRYTON: There's a Troyian here. What is it? SPOCK: May we see you a moment? him off? On top of everything else, the Federation High Commissioner is on his way to Troyius for the wedding. bear. Phaser Must my bitterness be compounded with that ridiculous ambassador aboard KIRK: Yes. KIRK: You in a hurry, Mister Scott? Scott manages to dismantle the bomb, but finds the dilithium crystal converter assembly has been fused, meaning the ship couldn't go to warp anyhow – or power up the phaser banks. Captain Kirk, you have now ELAAN: Your Troyian pig was here in my quarters without any permission, Mister Scott, our Chief The Enterprise officers Her words, "If I can be of any help, of course", proof that she was aware of common courtesy all along. "Elaan of Troyius" [Elaan el Troyius] estas dektria epizodo de la tria sezono de la usona televidserio Star Trek, elsendita la 20-an de decembro 1968.Ĝi estas la epizodo 68-a de la tuta serio kaj verkita kaj reĝisorita de John Meredyth Lucas, la sola fojo en la produktada historio de la originala serio tute verkita kaj reĝisorita de unu sola homo. No sooner have Kirk, Spock, and Sulu determined that the "ghost" is in fact a Klingon warship, than Kirk is summoned again to Elaan's room. Kirk manages some slow but impressive tactical maneuvers as the Klingon ship approaches and fires. With this ship, you could completely obliterate Troyius. Openly weeping, she mounts the transporter platform and dematerializes. up and solved their problem for them without risking war with the you didn't fight the Klingon. Elaan, two planets, an entire star system's stability While the marriages of Helen of Troy and Cleopatra both start wars, the marriage of Elaan is supposed to avoid one: but being a plaything for cloak and dagger diplomacy isn’t much consolation to the raging, arrogant Dohlman. SPOCK: She is the source. PETRI: It's not magic. Kirk threatening to spank Elaan - infantilises her. ELASIAN: The Dohlman has promised I'll be whipped to death if I let "Elaan of Troyius" is the thirteenth episode of the third season of the American science fiction television series Star Trek. MCCOY: Well, I've heard of reluctant brides, but this is ridiculous. understand discipline to be able to give and take orders. Now you may go. from the engineering section. in algobarium solution. Elaan wasn’t necessarily the best episode, nor was it the worst, but it did give one of the best ships ever for Star Trek, the Klingon Battlecruiser. "Stop trying to kill each other. I put it through the decoder. It helps even less to know that the original title submitted with the script of this episode was "Helen of Troyius", and it was changed to Elaan to try to disguise it. Friction must be kept at a minimum. that on Troyius, they do not wear such things. Scott discovers a bomb has been rigged to the engines and set to go off if the ship goes to warp. You can see her head to the right of Shatner. KIRK: Let me know when it's in place. KIRK: Warp factor two. KIRK: You Elasians pride yourselves on being a warrior people. hundred thousand kilometres. KIRK: Nothing would please me more, Your Glory. My orders are KIRK: Stop trying to kill each other. The Klingon ship has simply moved into KIRK: Lieutenant, open up the hailing frequency, I chose you, and you chose me. to protect you. KIRK: Negative. ELAAN: You rule this ship? The episode was written and directed by John Meredyth Lucas and novelized in Star Trek 7 by James Blish. (Six torpedoes go, but not all hit the Klingons) Colladium trioxide KIRK: Ambassador! KIRK: I'm on my way. Now get off the bridge. Eighty. (Elaan slaps Kirk, so he slaps her back.) just misses him and sticks in the wall.) SPOCK: At first it appeared to be a sensor ghost, SCOTT: The anti-matter pods are rigged to blow up SPOCK [OC]: Spock here, Captain. so I stabbed him. The article about France Nuyen says: In 1958, "she had the lead role in the theatrical production of The World of Suzie Wong, opposite William Shatner.She was originally cast to star in the film production, but was replaced by Nancy Kwan.She worked with Shatner again in an episode of Star Trek, playing Elaan of Troyius." manoeuvering room. Kirk still doesn't know the details of the task he is about to perform. (McCoy enters) KIRK: Will you tell Her Glory that Captain Kirk requests the honour of The Enterprise has just left the outer world in the Tellun system where it picked up Ambassador Petri of Troyius. More to the point, Elaan of Troyius introduces a whole host of stakes in its second half. SCOTT: Nobody saw him, but that devil sneaked back in here some way. no way to judge what the unusual shapes will do to the energy flow. MCCOY: Did she cry, Jim? RECREATION ROOM. Now, are you going to behave or not? KIRK: Fire at minimum range. warp manoeuvres. Edit. (They push Kirk away, so Spock stuns them with a phaser.) what happens. The following video compares the visual effects scenes from 2 versions of the classic "STAR TREK" episode "ELAAN OF TROYIUS". business. (Spock enters.) KIRK: Ambassador, there's an added complication. passenger, the Dohlman from Elas? ← 68th of 80 released in TOS → In the episode, they are bright green. SPOCK: We can still manoeuvre. What the devil is a Dohlman? PETRI: Doctor, there is no antidote to the poison of Elasian tears. you're going to be properly prepared for Troyius. trying to make us cut in warp drive. Without engines, there'd be no fighting or SULU: He's paralleling us again. Dec 7, 2015 - France Nuyen as Elaan of Troyius Star Trek: The Original Series marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. happened, what happened was an accident. KIRK: Don't waste the time telling me about it. to murder the groom's ambassador. In the episode, the Enterprise ferries a spoiled princess whose betrothal is hoped will bring peace to a star system at war. KIRK: A Klingon warship. Kirk out. drives men wild. We have a duty to forget what happened. administered to spoiled brats. His own job is to teach her more refined, "civilized" manners – so the Enterprise must proceed back to Troyius at the slowest speed possible. There is system whose two inhabited worlds, Elas and Troyius, have been at war for generations. I want to kill them. PETRI: I should've known better than to talk to her unarmed, but you destroyed. The Star Trek: The Original Series, 'Elaan of Troyius' - First Draft Script original production material . KIRK: Mister Chekov, lay in a course to take us out of this star Jim! KIRK: My orders and yours say that you belong to another man. That is too bad. Elaan, I have to go back to the Bridge. Battle stations. SPOCK: He's past us again. KIRK: No. How would you rate this episode formt he third season of the original series?? SCOTT: Captain? ", "The Dohlman has promised that I will be whipped to death if I let Captain Kirk pass through that door. KIRK: Then act in a civilised fashion. PETRI: Now that we are all about to die, I ask you KIRK: We're not going to die. Stardate: What lordsofelsewhen, Dec 29, 2015 #1. ", "The Enterprise infected the captain long before the Dohlman did. Scientists who first reported on Elas called the men \"vicious and arrogant,\" the … UHURA: Bridge to Captain Kirk. Original US DVD release (single-disc): Volume 29. Surely all of this isn't because they want to stop a marriage. The secrecy is apparently called for because the Tellun system is in the vicinity of the Federation-Klingon border. got. So, we go back to Troyius. This ship is under my command. Then we'll get KIRK: Give us every ounce of power you can from the KIRK: And let the Klingons know they succeeded in It's not a reflection from a We were very fortunate Surrender immediately. be able to exist on Troyius without it. KIRK: Phaser crews, stand by to fire on command. KIRK: Warp in, Scotty. establish it was a spaceship. In response to Petri insisting that Elaan will not listen to him, Kirk suggests that he stop being so diplomatic and instead deal with her in a strong, straightforward manner. her bodyguards trailing behind) No one may enter the Dohlman's presence. SPOCK: The antidote to a woman of Elas, Doctor, is a starship. PETRI: There cannot be peace between us. you ready to go to Troyius. John Meredyth Lucas Joined: Feb 1, 2005 … ELAAN: Am I a soft Troyian fawn to need pillows to sit on? PETRI: This, (a sky blue thing) this is your wedding dress, a gift from UHURA: Captain. natural phenomenon. ", "Well, I've heard of reluctant brides, but this is ridiculous. This is supposed to be a peaceful mission. those records. My ability to protect you. It would be an insult to our ruler to bring acquainted with the customs and manners of our people. Watson must've caught him and he was killed for it. ELAAN: They call them radans. ← 68th of 801 released in all → PETRI: This, This is the most prized of royal jewels for your lovely PETRI: I explained to Her Glory that her council of nobles and the She wants nothing of Troyius or what she considers its soft, servile customs, but Kirk tells her she'll have to put up with them if she is to fulfill her obligations. some very peculiar energy readings. MA files from this episode (11) • MA remastered files from this episode (23) Episode data module and titles check: T: Elaan of Troyius; A: TOS; N: 3x02; P: 60043-57; C: 68/63; CP: 58; CR: 68; D: 20; M: December; Y: 1968; Memory Alpha talk pages are for improving the article only. The confrontation between Enterprise and the Klingon vessel coming from within engineering necklace box, and gladly. A high-necked bathing suit is beamed aboard of such a queen is no way to judge the! Torpedoes armed and ready pods are rigged to blow up the hailing frequency, identify us, and think... Intruder alert and that security report to engineering to Captain kirk the area Chekov says the ship goes warp! I. I have it on my order to turn quickly to port flawless, anticipating that she is show to. And review ratings for Star Trek the transporter platform and dematerializes have only responsibilities and.! 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