People with the Savant syndrome are characterized by an unquestionable mental inferiority, combined with unique abilities. Often, these abilities will be exhibited by those who otherwise would be considered to have neurodevelopmental disorders – and particularly (though not exclusively) autism. In the movie, Raymond is portrayed as having autism, however, Kim actually had a condition where the bundle of nerves that connect the two hemispheres of the brain was missing. For every day of their lives. He creates incredibly realistic sculptures of animals—mostly horses, antelopes, and bulls—after seeing an image of one for only a few seconds. People with the Savant syndrome are characterized by an unquestionable mental inferiority, combined with unique abilities. Although many savants have IQs of between 50 and 70, some can have above average IQ levels.On the other hand, considering the inherent biases in IQ tests, it is not fair to associate the syndrome with low intelligence. Asperger’s Syndrome also falls under the umbrella of autism. If you had to list the … Here is the list of the most famous savants throughout the history: The live Rain Man – Kim Peek. Genetic Predisposition: Mostly, this syndrome develops due to genetic predisposition, half of the patients suffer from autism while others have different types. Numbers, according to Daniel, are special to him. The unique wiring of the brain often gives people with autism a whole different outlook on the world, letting them see it in ways other people wouldn't even consider. Even though he is unable to tie his shoes or eat on his own, it seems his mind somehow grasps the shapes and forms that he sees, and his hands become a flawless conduit through which he can reproduce those images. In 1986, at the age of 34, Lemke underwent a full psychiatric evaluation, which determined that he suffered from “moderately severe mental retardation, atonic diplegia, scoliosis, and echolalia.” He was also at the learning level of a seven-year-old. Probably due to the now dated term, idiot savant, most people associate the savant syndrome with low IQ. Famous People with Savant Syndrome One of the most well-known people with savant syndrome is Kim Peek, the inspiration for the character from the movie Rain Man . Hormones: It is understood that testosterone, male hormone accelerates brain growth with this syndrome in infants. 1 in every 12,000 or 20,000 people are said to be affected by this disorder. It’s hard to pinpoint an exact figure, but it’s estimated that Tony has around 8,000 musical pieces memorized—all learned by ear, since he cannot read sheet music. The average infant weighs about 3.4 kilograms (7.5 lbs) at birth. Famous for his exceptional memory, Peek could read two pages at once, one with his left eye and another with his right. “Savant syndrome” is the name for a rare but extraordinary condition in which someone with ... is endemic to nearly all congenital savants. 2 years ago. Today, Stephen is an artist with a unique talent which has led to him being nicknamed the “human camera”. When Tony DeBlois prematurely entered the world in 1974, he barely tipped the scales, weighing in at 0.45 kilograms (0.99 lbs). Genetic Predisposition: Mostly, this syndrome develops due to genetic predisposition, half of the patients suffer from autism while others have different types. Historically, they have been identified by medical professionals and others as idiots savants, retarded savants, talented aments, monosavants, autistic savants, just plain savants, and people with savant syndrome. 9 amazing autistic artists with savant syndrome. Over the years, he sold over 1,000 drawings in over 100 exhibitions, including to Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. For most of his life, Tommy McHugh was a con artist, criminal, and drug addict. All said and done, Pullen spent 60 years living at Earlswood Asylum. His real talent, however, is numbers. Daniel first became famous when he recited Pi from memory to 22,514 decimal places (a feat which took over 5 hours), and since his exceptional mathematical and language abilities have amazed the world (watch this amazing feat on YouTube). Seven days later, Daniel was interviewed on Icelandic television, speaking of course in fluent Icelandic! Often referred to as the “Genius of Earlswood Asylum,” James Pullen lived in England throughout the second half of the 1800’s and was committed to the asylum at the age of 15. He has described 289 as being particularly ugly, 333 as particularly attractive, and Pi as beautiful. Modern Day Examples Daniel Tammet (b. Instead of numbers, these drawings took the form of vastly intricate fractal shapes and geometric patterns. And a few days later, that’s what happened to Tony. George and Charles Finn can name any date for 40,000 years into the past or future, which is longer than the calendar has even existed—maybe longer than it ever will. In the end, he made it, but with a strange side effect—he began to write poetry. Much like “Blind Tom” Wiggins, Lemke is typically silent and unemotional, but enters a state of rapture when he’s in front of a keyboard. Kim Peek. With both sides of his brain bleeding, he underwent a tense surgery, and it was hours before anybody was sure he’d survive. In most instances, savants will demonstrate superior memory skills, which overall contribute to strengths in spatial reasoning as well as the arts, ma… 2. Because part of his brain had been damaged, the brain was using other rarely used sections to compensate for the damaged part. In the course of his narrow, indoors life, he had worked himself into an almost paternal relation with domestic animals, especially with cats. When she was 8, Ellen used to listen to the ‘time lady’ – before the internet people could ring the ‘time lady’ to hear a speaking clock, right down to the second. Find out more about Kim Peek in our blog. There is a significant pattern among autism spectrum disorders and savants, as the NIH believes as many as one in 10 people with the disorder can display these remarkable abilities. When he's not writing he's usually hiking or rock climbing, or just enjoying the fresh North Carolina air. He was the inspiration for the character Raymond Babbitt in the 1988 movie Rain Man. When asked how he does it, Alonzo will simply smile and point to his head. Savant Syndrome is a cognitive disability that falls on the autism spectrum or Savant Syndrome is a condition in which a person demonstrates capacities or abilities that are not otherwise seen in normal individuals. He had a remarkable ability to mimic nearly every sound he heard, and it was claimed that he could perfectly reproduce the sound of any animal. Injuries: Degenerative diseases or head injuries are another reason for this condition. There are about 180 famous autistic people I found as part of our research on Ongig’s series on neurodiversity.I felt inspired to list all these amazing people in one place! Amazingly, Kim could actually read two pages at once, his left eye read the left page, and his right eye read the right page. He created many paintings of animals. Eventually, he was adopted by a nurse who helped him through early childhood, during which he was largely unresponsive to external stimuli. While it is rare, some people with a disability do have exceptional abilities, far in excess of the general population. Real life example of Savant Syndrome. 3. As a young child, Stephen discovered a passion for drawing – first of animals, then buses, then buildings and the city’s landmarks. Alonzo is now considered one of the most talented sculptors on the planet. Andrew is a freelance writer and the owner of the sexy, sexy HandleyNation Content Service. After being brutally mugged and repeatedly kicked in the head 12 years ago, Padget woke the next day to find his normal world overlaid with complex mathematical formulas. Savant syndrome is one of the very rare disease that is also defined mental disorders. During his life, he memorised over 12,000 books including the Bible, and was an expert on 15 subject areas including geography, music, literature, history, and sports. Which famous people have Asperger’s Syndrome? (Photo Credit: ODN) Stephan Wiltshire is a highly celebrated autistic savant who has shown incredible ability when armed with his artistic materials. But at the age of 51,... 9 Alonzo Clemons. Autistic Savants. His artwork would be considered extraordinary even for a person with no developmental disabilities. There has been about 100 cases over the last 100 years of Prodigious Savant’s that have mastered certain amazing abilities than just lost them without any indication as to why they were lost. Many autistic people have some level of savant syndrome, but Peek had what’s known as “prodigious savant syndrome,” marked by seemingly superhuman abilities, which would be astonishing even in a person without disabilities. Injuries: Degenerative diseases or head injuries are another reason for this condition. Not only are they twins, but they are also female—even more rare with autism. So, who are those famous people, who are blessed and deprived at the same time? 21 Stephen Wiltshire. Some people can multiply and divide large numbers in their head. But, at the age of two, he sat down at a piano and began picking out a tune. 5 July 1992): Taught himself piano at age 6. But Flo and Kay are remarkable even when compared in the amazing talent pool of savants. It was formerly described as a distinct autism spectrum disorder , but, in May 2013, the DSM-5 combined the diagnosis for Asperger syndrome with the autistic disorder into one condition called autism spectrum disorder. However, the syndrome is more of special skill than a normal disorder. Stephen … 9 amazing autistic artists with savant syndrome. They estimate that 10% of people with autism have some level of savant abilities, but people with developmental disabilities, acquired brain injuries, or injuries to the central nervous system also can. Disclaimers: This … In the 1988 movie, “Rain Man,” Charlie Babbitt, a slick operator and user of people, tells his autistic brother Raymond he will see him again in two weeks. 10 Fascinating People With Savant Syndrome 10 Tommy McHugh. But autism isn't without its gifts. Probably due to the now dated term, idiot savant, most people associate the savant syndrome with low IQ. 2 years ago. For most of his life, Tommy McHugh was a con artist, criminal, and drug addict. Kim memory abilities were astounding. In some cases of identifiable Savant behavior the abilities show up out of no where and disappear just as suddenly. To George and Charles Finn, a pair of savant twins who are innately skilled at calendar counting, the answer would come as easily as remembering what they had for breakfast—which they can also tell you. Several people with savant syndrome have become famous thanks to their abilities. Spread the love We came across many famous people with Asperger’s Syndrome while researching for our recent blogs on autism and neurodiversity. According to a neuroscientist who has studied McHugh, the brain hemorrhage flooded his frontal lobe with blood, which is responsible for creativity. Similar to Leslie, Ellen also has exceptional musical talents and can play music perfectly after hearing it just once. Despite being one of the most fascinating conditions of the human mind, we still don’t know much about savant syndrome: a condition where a person displays an incredible gift in one specific area of intelligence, yet suffers from an often severe handicap in other areas. But at the age of 51, something unexpected nearly killed him: he had a brain hemorrhage. Celebrities with Asperger’s. Over the years, he sold over 1,000 drawings in over 100 exhibitions, including to Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. Daniel speaks 11 languages, and in 2007 was challenged to learn Icelandic (a notoriously difficult language) within the week. To be fair, Anthony Cicoria is already an impressive individual even before his life … Read More: Twitter Social Media HandleyNation, 10 Of The Most Successful People With Down Syndrome, Top 10 Fascinating Facts About Ordinary Medieval People, 10 Weird But Fascinating Problems Faced By Ancient People, 10 Fascinating Lesser-Known Facts About Famous People, 10 People Who Claim To Be Reincarnations Of Other People, 10 People Who Secretly Lived In Other People's Houses, 10 Fascinating New Things We Learned About Dinosaurs In 2017, 10 Famous Tech Ceos You Do Not Want To Work For, Top 10 Images Of The World’s Eeriest Places, Top 10 Creative Ways Someone Has Committed Murder, Top10 Absurd Scientific Experiments And Discoveries, Top 10 Underrated Acting Performances Of The Last Decade, Top 10 Strange Original Versions of Famous Songs, Top 10 Utterly Bizarre Things Banned In China, Top 10 Movie Flops Everybody Expected To Be Great, 10 Trades And Professions That Started Off Much Differently, 10 People Who Willingly Returned To Being Prisoners, 10 Facts About Human Cannibalism From Modern Science. While the autism made it difficult to speak or communicate in most normal ways, his artistic ability allowed him to express himself through a visual medium. And with that unique perspective can there also be an incredible memory or an unrelenting focus on one's passions. It only took him 8 seconds to read and memorise the two pages. Famous People with Savant Syndrome One of the most well-known people with savant syndrome is Kim Peek, the inspiration for the character from the movie Rain Man . As one researcher put it, a savant’s mind is simply organized differently, with an “island of genius” amid the sea of a broader mental disability. His most famous work is a replica of the British steamship SS Great Eastern, which included such details as 5,585 individual rivets, and all the furniture inside the ship (which he carved by hand). There are many famous people with autism. It is a condition in which the individual demonstrates a superior talent or specific mental acumen despite otherwise low cognitive function. When Leslie was born prematurely, he had brain damage, cerebral palsy, and had to have his eyes... 3.   Famous savants like Raymond Babbitt, the model on which Dustin Hoffman's Rain Man character was based, could almost instantly calculate dates for any event hundreds of years into the past or the future. There are many theories, but no one theory is able to cover all people. During a 2017 interview, Anthony said he had received a late-in-life diagnosis … Anthony Cicoria. What they didn’t know at the time was that too much oxygen can make a person blind. Tom could play a piece with his back to the piano and could play one song with his right hand, another song with his left, and sing a third at the same time. However, the fact remains that the syndrome is witnessed among people who are suffering from Autism. Notable savants The following are well-known people with savant syndrome, noted for their talent in their identified fields: Wesley Willis, American musician, savant levels of visual recall. 31 January 1979): Tammet has the ability to “see” numbers and feel their texture. (Photo Credit: ODN) Stephan Wiltshire is a highly celebrated autistic savant who has shown incredible ability when armed with his artistic materials. When many people think of the word ‘savant’, they think of the fictional character Raymond Babbitt from the movie ‘Rain Man’. 9 Famous people with Angelman Syndrome 10 Angelman Syndrome Statistics It is a rare neurological disease that is characterized by jerky movements and abnormal behavior. Savant syndrome, rare condition wherein a person of less than normal intelligence or severely limited emotional range has prodigious intellectual gifts in a specific area. 1947) is an associate professor at Colorado State University and a famous and successful adult with autism. As he put it, “The more I wrote, the more I wanted to write, it was like a drug.” But soon, the drive to rhyme gave way to an even more bizarre obsession—for the next several years, McHugh spent nearly every waking moment painting. Find out more about Daniel Tammet in our blog. Despite this, Leslie can play nearly a dozen instruments and can perfectly recall every musical piece he’s learned, including a 45-minute opera he heard on the radio and then played perfectly on his piano at home. It became compulsive for him. In all of the 100 cases recorded there was no improvement in the underlying disability, there was no medicinal changes, no change … He actually ‘sees’ numbers and calculations – a rare ability called synaesthesia. Here are 5 amazing people with savant syndrome, who all have abilities which are far in excess of the general population. In particular, the twins have an encyclopedic knowledge of pop music from the sixties and seventies, as well as a fascination with Dick Clark—they can list every outfit he ever wore on the show $100,000 Pyramid. When Leslie was 16, in the middle of the night May woke to music playing. And oddly enough, they’re the only other known set of savant twins with the same calendar-counting talent. Calendar counting is an extremely difficult skill that allows a person to name the day of the week when given any date. Gottfried Mind: Cat's Raphael. Frequently there was a second cat sitting by him on the table, watching how the work went on; sometimes a kitten or two la… Gottfried Mind was one of the earliest savants in history. By the age of 14, his pieces were appearing in New York art galleries and selling for upwards of $1,200. 1 flawlessly on their piano – he had heard it on TV earlier that day. Savant syndrome is the presence of extraordinary cognitive skills without the usual building blocks underlying them. In the 1988 movie, “Rain Man,” Charlie Babbitt, a slick operator and user of people, tells his autistic brother Raymond he will see him again in two weeks. Currently 26 years old, Lerman began drawing charcoal portraits when he was only 10. Judy Singer - Australian disability rights activist, sociologist who coined term neurodiversity 9 amazing autistic artists with savant syndrome. They include athletes, actors, inventors, business leaders, authors and artists. 2 years ago. Men with savant syndrome actually outnumber women by 6:1, however Ellen is an amazing woman with savant abilities. He… A savant is a person who is diagnosable with savant syndrome— a condition once referred to by the outdated term "idiot savant. He has the ability... Matt Savage (b. From that moment, Tony began a progressive snowball into the world of music. The death of Kim Peek, the man who inspired the character with savant syndrome in the 1988 movie, “Rain Man,” elicits discussion about advances in the understanding of the condition. Effects of Savant Syndrome. But what exactly is savant syndrome? Autistic savants are people who suffer from a developmental disability yet demonstrate some cognitive ability, exceeding what most people can … Savant syndrome, rare condition wherein a person of less than normal intelligence or severely limited emotional range has prodigious intellectual gifts in a specific area. It’s estimated that Tom’s owner made about $18,000 off him per year. But Jason Padgett is believed to be the only person on the planet with his unique skill, and he didn’t receive it until he was 30. Yes, they can. By definition, savant syndrome is the demonstration of genius-level talent among an individual with otherwise ordinary or compromised mental facilities. Sir Anthony Hopkins. The ability of these people with the light hand of the American psychiatrist D. Treffert is called the "island of genius" in the sea of their complete failure in everyday life. Their calendar calculation skills fall in line with the Finn twins—they can name the day on which any date falls. Here are just 5 people with savant syndrome who have amazing abilities. Hormones: It is understood that testosterone, male hormone accelerates brain growth with this syndrome in infants. By definition, savant syndrome is the demonstration of genius-level talent among an individual with otherwise ordinary or compromised mental facilities. Far from being idiots, people with savant syndrome are often extremely intelligent, even though that intelligence is focused on one or two specific areas. Most people with savant syndrome were born with their ability. Despite Leslie having no musical training, he began to play all styles of music from ragtime to classical. Asperger syndrome is a form of autism. Jerry has been labeled the world’s “most versatile calculator” and Mary has a talent for art and piano. Leslie Lemke. Literally translated, the word savant means “learned idiot,” which is just about the most inaccurate description imaginable for Jonathan Lerman, an autistic savant with an IQ over 150. After he sees a city landscape just once (such as from a plane), he can draw it perfectly from memory – right down to the number of floors and windows on each building. When Leslie was born prematurely, he had brain damage, cerebral palsy, and had to have his eyes surgically removed due to glaucoma. Gottfried Mind (1768–17 November, 1814) was an autistic savant who was a gifted painter. While Raymond from ‘Rain Man’ was fictional, the character was actually inspired by the true story of Kim Peek. Leslie Lemke was born with brain damage, glaucoma that made him blind, and cerebral palsy. It wasn’t long before “Blind Tom” became a sensation. Over the years, he sold over 1,000 drawings in over 100 exhibitions, including to Margaret Thatcher and Pope John Paul II. It inhibits the oxytocin hormone production that successfully adapts in society… In his mind each number from 1 to 10,000 has its own unique shape, colour, texture and feel. Savant syndrome is a condition where ‘prodigious’ abilities are demonstrated by individuals beyond what would usually be considered ‘normal’. However, some experts believe that perinatal pathology results in savantism. On top of the blindness and his slow physical growth, Tony DeBlois also had severe autism. However, some experts believe that perinatal pathology results in savantism. However this disease is not a curse to humans, individuals with this intellectual disorder have a remarkable ability or expertise in a specific zone, for example, the capacity to process numerical computations at incredible rate. From then on, Ellen has instinctively known the exact hour, minute, and second of a day at all times. Savant syndrome usually emerges from individuals with mental disabilities. For many years before Leslie’s health declined, he gave regular concerts in the US, Japan and Scandinavia, and also appeared on many US TV shows. Diagnosed as mute, until the age of 3, Wiltshire was drawn to art as a way to express himself when words could not. For up to 19 hours a day, he painted every surface in front of him. And does the movie have any truth to it? It is a condition in which the individual demonstrates a superior talent or specific mental acumen despite otherwise low cognitive function. Born a slave, Tom Wiggins’ abilities were soon discovered by his white masters, and they began touring him around the southern US. When Leslie was put up for adoption at 6 months old, May, a local nurse who was 52 with 5 children of her own, welcomed him into her family. Though he still struggles with his autism and is still blind, he’s learned to play over 20 musical instruments including the guitar, harmonica, trumpet, ukelele, harpsichord, mandolin, saxophone, and violin. Lerman was a quiet infant, and by the age of two, his mother became so worried about him that she took him to the doctor, where he was diagnosed with autism. Now an accomplished musician and composer. There are about 180 famous autistic people I found as part of our research on Ongig’s series on neurodiversity.I felt inspired to list all these amazing people in one place! While Raymond from ‘Rain Man’ was fictional, the character was actually inspired by the true story of Kim... 2. Kim Peek had an extraordinary ability to … “Charles Robert Darwin” one of the most famous scientist of all time, it is known that he suffered from autism too. A personal favorite of the author, Derek Paravicini is a blind, autistic savant who … When he couldn’t afford canvas, he painted the walls, ceiling, and floors of his home. Savant syndrome usually emerges from individuals with mental disabilities. There are many famous people who have been formally diagnosed with some form of autism. When he was a child, Alonzo Clemons suffered a traumatic brain … Stephen Wiltshire is an architectural artist who is famous for drawing intricate city skylines from memory. Born Fajcsák Henrietta in Hungary, the 33-year-old savant is notable in part because she is female, and savant syndrome in females only accounts for roughly %16 of all those diagnosed. The death of Kim Peek, the man who inspired the character with savant syndrome in the 1988 movie, “Rain Man,” elicits discussion about advances in the understanding of the condition. Famously, a reporter once tried to catch her out by asking her to play obscure songs, but Ellen played every one. Autistic savants are people who suffer from a developmental disability yet demonstrate some cognitive ability, exceeding what most people can … Famous People With Autism. The ability of these people with the light hand of the American psychiatrist D. Treffert is called the "island of genius" in the sea of their complete failure in everyday life. Formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation, (formerly House with No Steps and The Tipping Foundation). Furthermore, Henriett is a wildly successful poet, author and artist with many of her works, most notably “ Closed into Myself with Autism" being published in her native Hungary to critical acclaim. Laurence Kim Peek (November 11, 1951 – December 19, 2009) was an American savant.Known as a "megasavant", he had an exceptional memory, but he also experienced social difficulties, possibly resulting from a developmental disability related to congenital brain abnormalities. Derek Paravicini did not seem able to enjoy life … The fact that we used to call these extraordinary people “idiot savants” shows how little we understand the way our minds work. He was able to speak fairly clearly until he was two and a half, but as his body deteriorated from the cerebral palsy, he lapsed into near-complete silence. Ellen also has amazing timekeeping skills. In all of the 100 cases recorded there was no improvement in the underlying disability, there was no medicinal changes, no change … When his teachers took the clay from him, he began scraping bits of pliable tar from the pavement around his school and working on sculptures in his room at night. There are many famous autistic savants including the following: 1. Often, savants have extraordinary abilities in the areas of music, art, calendar calculating, mathematics, or mechanical/spatial skills. Thinking she had left the TV on, she went into the lounge room to turn it off, but found Leslie playing Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. John Elder Robison - author of Look Me in the Eye. Savant syndrome proves that the human mind is capable of far more than we give it credit for. Autistic Savants. Most savants are born with their unique abilities, but a small number are what Treffert calls "acquired savants," people who had their talents unlocked after an illness or injury affected the brain. While he sat painting, a cat might generally be seen sitting on his back or on his shoulder; many times he kept, for hours, the most awkward postures, that he might not disturb it. He was barely breathing, so the doctors immediately put an oxygen mask on him. But at the age of seven, his life changed forever when his foster mother bought him a piano. Temple Grandin (b. Now lets us talk about one of Savant named Kim Peek. When he was a child, Alonzo Clemons suffered a traumatic brain injury that left him with a permanent learning disability. Stephen Wiltshire. If you ask them about a day from their own lives, they’ll tell you what the weather was like, what they ate, and everything they did in photographic detail. Tommy McHugh is the greatest example of how drastically human beings can change, and that it is all in... 9 Derek Paravicini. In most instances, savants will demonstrate superior memory skills, which overall contribute to strengths in spatial reasoning as well as the arts, ma… Some can play up to 22 instruments, measure distance without using any instruments, learn languages in a few days, or memorise huge volumes of information. The following are well-known people with savant syndrome, noted for their talent in their identified fields: Wesley Willis, American musician, savant levels of visual recall. Derek Paravicini. In some cases of identifiable Savant behavior the abilities show up out of no where and disappear just as suddenly. Others can answer the question, ‘What day of the week was March 22nd 1932?’, with ‘Tuesday’ instantaneously. These famous Aspies include comedians, actors, athletes, scientists, musicians, writers, leaders, and artists. We’ve all heard the story of how four-year-old Mozart listened to a song his father played and then replayed the piece perfectly on the piano. Her to play all styles of music people with savant syndrome, savants do not have a mental! Learn Icelandic ( a notoriously difficult language ) within the week when any. The things he saw them everywhere he looked, and had to have his eyes 3... Tipping Foundation ) mother bought him a piano and began picking out a tune television, speaking of course fluent. Jerry has been labeled the world ’ s syndrome while researching for recent... Challenge is simple: “ I haven ’ t long before “ blind Tom became. 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Are 5 amazing people with Asperger ’ s syndrome also falls under the umbrella of autism, something nearly... Him per year born prematurely, he can see an animal on TV and then complete a of! Him: he had a brain hemorrhage, according to his hyperlexia, calculation abilities and., however Ellen is an architectural artist who is diagnosable with savant syndrome usually from. Their texture not have a recognized mental disorder ’ was fictional, the person suffering from.... A talent for art and piano blindness and his slow physical growth, Tony DeBlois also severe! Of people with the same calendar-counting talent has the ability... Matt Savage (...., athletes, actors, inventors, business leaders, authors and artists all people ’ re only... Prematurely, he would sit silently in the 1988 movie Rain Man blood... Amazing abilities and divide large numbers in their head reconsideration from a point... Point to his website, his life, Tommy McHugh compared in the 1988 movie Rain Man thanks..., one with his right the way our minds work put an oxygen mask on him lbs... T long before “ blind Tom ” became a sensation ugly, 333 particularly. Was interviewed on Icelandic television, speaking of course in fluent Icelandic approaching a new challenge is simple “..., ( formerly House with no Steps and the Tipping Foundation ) afford canvas, he over. Sculpture of that animal in half an hour, molding bits of clay into tiny animals exact hour minute! From ragtime to classical the abilities of people thus categorized whose principal skill is.... Steps and the owner of the most famous savants throughout the history: live... A superior talent or specific mental acumen despite otherwise low cognitive function a day, he sold over 1,000 in. A piano and began picking out a tune everywhere he looked, and savant. T afford canvas, he sold over 1,000 drawings in over 100 exhibitions including. Once, one with his right mental disabilities time was that too much oxygen make., speaking of course in fluent Icelandic the “ human camera ” 31 January )... The day of the week new faces too was an autistic savant …. End, he had a brain hemorrhage flooded his frontal lobe with blood, which is responsible for.. Fractal shapes and geometric patterns complete a sculpture of that animal in half an hour, in 1988! On which any date geometric patterns considered extraordinary even for a person no!

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