Parade: Disney Pirate or Princess: Make Your Choice • Festival of Fantasy Parade What actors and actresses appeared in Min balsamerade mor - 2002? Thanks to the potion he drank, he is granted with the strength of ten men; he was able to stand against the greatest warriors of four Scottish clans and defeat them all with little effort, despite Scottish people being among the finest warriors in the world. The strength of ten men he desired, and to persuade her he offered his signet ring. Then you have his scarred face with the wounded eye, and the fur on different areas of his body seem mussed up. Mor'du attacks and her father and the lords fight against the bear, but fail. In Merida's time, there are four clans. The song was performed by King Fergus' voice actor Billy Connolly, with Patrick Doyle, Alex Norton, Carey Wilson, Scott Davies, and Gordon Neville as his men and allies. Consequently, this storyboard of what is clearly a deleted scene was projected to be its own companion piece to 'Brave', offering in-depth background to Mor'du himself. When Merida runs away from home after a fight with her mother, and follows the wisps to the witch's hut, the witch takes the medallion of clan DunBroch as payment for a spell to "change her mother". Merida explores, falling after walking on an unsteady piece of rubble. I believe each clan was descended from one of the four brothers and Merida's dad, King Fergus, was the descendant of Mor'du. His body is covered in scars, broken weapon hilts, and arrows. The Prince transforming into Mor'du. However, what makes it worse is that the audience knows just a few minutes earlier that Mor'du was watching Merida when she walked into the forest, based on a musical cue alone. She slowly realizes that the Prince who asked for the strength of ten men became Mor'du. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His scar on his eye like sacr from the lion king reprsentes evil and darkness inside his soul Retrieved from " " His body is covered in scars, broken weapon hilts, and arrows. The Prince happy about his release. Mor'du appears, stalking Merida from the shadows and he charges. The Legend of Mor'du is a 2012 Pixar short attached to the Blu-ray and DVD release of Brave. Mor'du then went to a witch to gain the strength of ten men, but the witch instead turned him into a bear, and Mor'du eventually lost control of his actions and killed his family. He was an evil demon bear who was once a human prince and King Fergus' arch-enemy. Er ist größer als normale Bären und sein Körper erscheint geschunden und vernarbt, strotzt aber dennoch vor Kraft. His body is covered in scars, broken weapon hilts, and arrows. He also appears in Temple Run: Brave and the Legend of Mor'du. Axes (as a Prince)Claws and teeth (as a bear) As a human, Mor'du was powerfully built and was the tallest of his brothers. Add a photo to this gallery. Feature films Weapons do not seem to hurt Mor'du, the beast's hide has several spears and arrows sticking out of him, as his body is riddled with many scars and along with a scarred face all show he has been in many battles and committed many murders over the years. It is said in the song of "Mor'du" that he has devoured dozens, including babies. Goal Mor'du Concept Art. Merida hurriedly tries to crawl up through the ruins and reach her mother's paw, with the gigantic bear trying to devour her. It can also be presumed that he wanted someone to kill him, as it seems that he's thanking Merida and her mother for felling the monolith before he turns into a Willo-the-Wisp. Prince (formerly)Bear Merida realizes she must mend the bond torn by pride (as the Witch said), fixing a tapestry her mother had made of Merida and the family, thereby breaking the spell. Alas, his firstborn son felt that, as the eldest and the technical heir, he alone had the right to rule the whole kingdom and a seed of selfishness grew in him like a poison. He seeked to rule the entire kingdom and started a war. Both clash with their families because of pride, but go in two different directions. To conquer his younger brothers' kingdoms (formerly)To kill Merida and anyone who gets in his way (failed) Also, Fergus' sword shattered when he struck the great black bear, which many weapons might have, and an arrow straight to the head didn't even slow him down. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. His desire for power drove him to go far enough to start a violent war, and then ultimately killed his own brothers in cold blood. Upon the king's death, the land was divided amongst the brothers. It may also come from "mortus", the Latin word for "death". Dislikes Merida and her mother run as fast as they can away, running to the great standing stones and bashing into them somewhat hard enough to leave a hairline crack along the tallest menhir in the circle. Mor'du's real name is unknown (from when he was human), as he is known by this name as a demon bear. Instead, he accepted the form of the monster and slew his brothers in cold blood. After being Mor'du for so long, a real bear, the prince seemed to have lost his anger upon his release upon his death, evidenced by his thankful nod to Merida and Elinor for releasing him from his monstrous fate. Ruins of the Ancient Kingdom Paraphernalia Merida fires an arrow straight at his head, but the arrow does no damage whatsoever and doesn't even slow him down. Power, being ruler, his strength (as a human)Killing anything and anyone he encounters (as a bear) He also had unnaturally glowing yellow eyes. Like Merida, he let his pride control hi… His face is the most disfigured of all and has one glowing yellow eye and one dead red eye and a crooked lower jaw. The prince baited his brothers with a false truce, but when they met in their father's throne room he once again declared himself the sole ruler and demanded their obedience. Eurasian bears are brown (light brown to dark brown) but Mor'du is all black, possibly to represent the darkness in him. Mor'du first appears at the beginning with King Fergus and Queen Elinor celebrating Merida's birthday. On top of that, he allowed his nation to fall into destruction and decay, leaving behind a tragic legacy of misery and mass graves. To his brothers, he claimed his right to rule and demanded their obedience, shattering the bonds of their brotherhood by breaking the family stone. He had brown hair and a beard, and wore a dark colored robe and fur cloak. When Merida asks if this changed his fate, the witch confirms it and shows her what he used as payment, a signet ring with two crossed axes. Occupation He was confident in his strength but confused this for character, and thus became extremely arrogant: this proved to be a trait that caused him to struggle with his loved ones. Mor'du's actual introduction in the prologue of the film also counts. "Mordu" is also French for "bitten", which is somewhat also suitable to Mor'du's character, for biting is the method in which he had removed King Fergus' leg. However, Mor'du was unsatisfied with this arrangement and visited a witch to gain power. Mor'du's name may come from "mor" and "dubh", the respective Gaelic words for "giant" and "black", which appropriately describes his physical appearance and fur color. • Happily Ever After • Harmonious • Together Forever: A Pixar Nighttime Spectacular • World of Color, Other Disney Animation Villains: Pete • Big Bad Wolf • Lonesome Ghosts • Mortimer Mouse • Magic Mirror • Honest John • Gideon • Stromboli • Monstro • Pink Elephants • Ringmaster • The Headless Horseman • Lady Tremaine • Anastasia Tremaine • Drizella Tremaine • Lucifer • Cheshire Cat • Card Soldiers • Mr. Smee • Si and Am • Aunt Sarah • Diablo • Jasper and Horace • Madam Mim • Kaa • Shere Khan • Edgar Balthazar • Prince John • Sir Hiss • Sheriff of Nottingham • Heffalumps • Woozles • Madame Medusa • Brutus and Nero • Amos Slade • Horned King • Professor Ratigan • Felicia • Sykes • Flotsam and Jetsam • Percival C. McLeach • Gaston • Iago • Shenzi, Banzai, and Ed • Governor Ratcliffe • Claude Frollo • Pain and Panic • Fates • Shan Yu • Clayton • Sabor • Yzma • Lyle Tiberius Rourke • Captain Gantu • Dr. Jumba Jookiba • John Silver • Scroop • Bowler Hat Guy • Doris • Lawrence • Dr. Facilier's Shadow • Mother Gothel • Stabbington Brothers • King Candy • Sour Bill • Hans • Duke of Weselton • Yokai • Bellwether • Tamatoa Suddenly Mor'du attacks Merida but Elinor saves her and they escape. Mor'du Merida and her mother run as fast as they can away, running to the great standing stones and bashing into them a bit harder, making a hairline crack along one of the great menhirs. Mor'du shows his long, sharp teeth before he goes in for an attack. Background information Merida (formerly), King Fergus (formerly), Queen Elinor (formerly), Lord Dingwall, Lord Macintosh, Lord MacGuffin, Young Macintosh, Young MacGuffin, Wee Dingwall, Harris, Hubert, and Hamish, Angus, Martin, Gordon Mor'du's death and the Prince's freedom. The spell he received eventually transformed him into a bear, Human form. As Merida rushes to save her mother and change her back, Mor'du stands from the shadows, following her. A legendary monster, Mor'du is an over 13-foot-tall bear with huge claws, a misaligned jaw, and long, sharp teeth. Appearance As a black bear, Mor'du's hatred and rage manifested through his actions and carnage, especially when he slaughtered his remaining family. Merida explores, falling after walking on an unsteady piece of rubble. It may also come from "mortus", the Latin word for "death." Mor'du's facial expression changes for a second. It gives in-depth background about the film's villain, an evil, greedy prince as told by the eccentric witch who transformed him into the monstrous bear he is in the film. Mor'du's design. Likes As Mor'du was the prince turned into the bear, he is set free. When Merida herself becomes endangered by Mor'du, Elinor attacks, using her claws and teeth to defend her daughter, but Mor'du, proving himself to be bigger and more dangerous, beats her down with his vast strength. Mor'du, on the other hand, only wanted to rule the kingdom because of himself being heir to the throne, and instead of realizing his mistake and breaking the spell he inflicted on himself, he allowed his pride to get the better of him and murdered his family without remorse. The Legend of Mor'du Elinor breaks from her bonds and attacks Mor'du, bashing him into a pillar that falls and kill him. In one point of view, the Will-o'-the-Wisps lead Merida to her mother to change her fate, but they can also be seen as leading Mor'du to his own fate, his own desired death (given his thankfulness to Merida upon his death). However, Mor'du was not always a bear; he was originally a human prince, who wanted to rule the kingdom he shared with his three brothers alone, and went to a witch to gain "the strength of ten men" in order to take over the land, paying with the ring of his house, bearing the crest of his family, two crossed axes. Merida looks frightened when Mor'du appears in the Circle of Stones. mordu translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'mordicus',morue',moudre',mordre', examples, definition, conjugation Weapons do not seem to hurt Mor'du at all, the beast's hide has several spears and arrows sticking out of him, as his body is riddled with many scars and along with a scarred face all show he has been in many battles and committed many murders over the years. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. With the armies of the brothers fractured, the kingdom fell into darkness and ruin, and the blight of the Great Black, Mor'du, fell across his domain. Images of the devastating prince-turned-monstrous bear Mor'du from the 2012 Disney/Pixar film Brave. 1 Overview 2 History 3 Gallery 4 Notes A legendary monster, Mor'du is a12 foot tall bear with huge claws, a misaligned jaw, and long, sharp teeth, his body covered in scars and broken weapon hilts and arrows. Mordu's exhales as he shows his big claws. The Prince nodding thankfully at them. Inside, she finds a throne room very similar to her own family's and a shattered stone carving of four brothers, one of the brothers broken from the others. He was granted the strength of ten men, which he used to kill his brothers and take over the kingdom and pursue conquest of all others. Mor'du is the main villain of the Pixar movie Brave. Only by mending the bonds torn by pride could he break the spell. It should be noted that Mor'du seemingly had a strange obsession with killing Merida specifically (a far cry from lust), as in every scene he was in, she was always the main target. His transformation into a bear gave him the additional strength of a bear, but as the demon bear Mor'du his strength and aggression exceeded those of a normal bear. When Merida fires an arrow off into the woods and goes to find it, wisps appear and try to lead her with them. At the last second, she leaps and just manages to grab her mother's paw in time as Mor'du snarls and snaps after her. Mor'du was a human prince, who wanted to take over the kingdom he shared with his three brothers, and went to the witch to gain "the strength of ten men", paying with the ring of his house, which bears two crossed axes. Merida fires an arrow straight at his head, but the arrow does no damage whatsoever. The potion also granted him a degree of resilience to injury as he doesn't seem bothered by weapons stuck on his back, along with a strong hide. One of the Production Designers of the film, Steve Pilcher, calls Mor'du a "Demon bear" and "Moby Dick on land". This makes him appear malformed and rugged, but still very large. As Elinor tells Merida the story of the ancient kingdom, the oldest prince can be seen roaring like a bear, foreshadowing the revelation that he is Mor'du. Personality Mor'du was said to have bought a mahogany cheeseboard from the witch, along with his spell. Though they give the princess and the queen time to escape on horseback, Mor'du shows no fear nor vulnerability to them, even striking the head off a spear when Fergus tries to stab him. Mor'du as a human prince before he became a bear. Powers and abilities Like Merida, he let his pride control his actions and clashed with his family, but unlike her, he was willing to let hatred and desire get the better of him instead of realizing his mistakes, and mend what was left of his broken family. ", but the great bear simply swats all opposition aside. Later in the movie, he finds Merida and Elinor-bear in his castle. His des… Many wisps appear and try to lead her with them. In the short film, the origin of Mor'du is explained: Mor'du was once a human prince, the eldest of four brothers, all the sons of a wise king beloved by his people. It can be presumed that he followed her because, as the Will-o'-the-Wisps can lead anyone to their fate, Mor'du (having encountered the wisps before as a human) might have wanted to kill Merida as she is the one following the wisps, or even deeper, she could be his key to setting himself free of his curse. The Will-o-the-wisps appeared and led him to a dark loch where, not far from the shore, was the cottage of a witch. The prince sought to be given the strength of ten men as human. A legendary, feral bear standing over 13 feet tall, Mor'du is ruthless, aggressive, and is feared throughout King Fergus' kingdom, even inspiring several fables, legends, and stories. When Mor'du was a human, he had once possessed a close familial bond with his father and three younger brothers. Fittingly, Mor'du's family crest was a pair of axes. As a bear, Mor'du is completely black, very large and is taller than King Fergus. The bargain was struck though the Witch could see his wounded soul. When Merida asks if got what he wanted, the witch confirms it, showing Merida his clans ring with the crossed axes. Fate As a human, Mor'du was powerfully built and was the tallest of his brothers. As a bear, Mor'du i… No human, even an entire clan, could stand against him; it appears only another bear could face him to some extent, but even then it would not be as strong. His tormented spirit is finally released, and he nods to Merida for freeing him before he becomes a wisp himself and disappears. When Merida shows her upset at having to marry one of the three lords' sons as her duty to the family, Queen Elinor tells Merida the story of four princes (one of which was Mor'du) who were to have the kingdom split for each, Mor'du plunged the kingdom into chaos by wanting to rule over them and be the best of them, suggesting that he waged war against his brothers. Mor'du lived on for centuries, and the bear side of him overtook his humanity, making him a monstrous beast. While Merida wanted to be free and frequently clashes with her family, she cares for them and showed no hesitation to try and break the spell when she accidentally cursed them. Firework: Celebrate the Magic • Disney Dreams! The bear's claws protrude from under the stone, but his death frees the Prince's spirit, who nods thankfully to Merida before he takes the form of a wisp and disappears. When Merida goes to the witch's cottage, the Witch takes Merida's pendant as payment and says that a Prince came to her and asked for the strength of ten men. It is said in the song of "Mor'du" that he has devoured dozens, including babies. He did not wear a shirt, which showed that his body was covered with various tattoos. Brave Mor'du is themain antagonist of Brave. Later, Merida and her mother (now turned into a bear) follow a trail of wisps to a foggy ruin, bearing the crossed axes of Mor'du's family. BraveThe Legend of Mor'du However, he was confident in his strength but confused this for character and thus led to his arrogance, a trait that caused him to struggle with his loved ones. He demanded from her a spell that could change his fate. None When Merida herself becomes endangered by Mor'du as he prepares to eat her, Queen Elinor attacks, using her claws and teeth to defend her daughter, but Mor'du, proving much older and more dangerous, beats her down with his vast strength. Mor'du then reveals himself and Fergus yells "Kill it! Books: Disney Villains: The Essential Guide • Disney Villains: Delightfully Evil: The Creation • The Inspiration • The Fascination • Disney Villains: The Essential Guide to the Evilest of Them All, 15 feet tall, black fur, glowing yellow eye and one dead red eye, large sharp teeth, giant claws, arrows sticking from his upper back, To conquer his younger brothers' kingdoms (formerly), Power, being ruler, his strength (as a human), Sharing the kingdom with his brothers, his army betraying him (as a human), Gets crushed by a menhir and the prince's spirit is set free. Gets crushed by a menhir and the prince's spirit is set free King Fergus lost his leg in a battle against this bear while protecting his wife and daughter. Entertainment: Golden Fairytale Fanfare • Mickey and the Wondrous Book • Pixar Playtime Pals • The Forest of Enchantment: A Disney Musical Adventure 0 0 1. Army (formerly; after he became a bear) Mor'du was born several centuries before the start of the series, as the oldest of four princes of a forgotten kingdom. Be the first to answer! As Mor'du stalks towards Merida and her injured mother, the great stone falls on top of him, crushing him to death. Mor'du is one hell of a scary bear, especially since he doesn't look like a normal bear. Mor'du was once a prince and was the oldest of out of all his siblings. He had brown hair and a beard and wore a dark-colored robe paired with a fur cloak. Video games Possibly because he has lived for so long and wanting peace. Mor'du was said to have bought a mahogany cheeseboard from the witch, along with his spell. Later, it is revealed that Fergus had his leg eaten, thus beginning his fierce rivalry with the demon bear. However, Mor'du was not always a bear; he was originally a human prince, who wanted to rule the kingdom he shared with his three brothers alone, … After she returns to her parents, Mor'du attacks and Fergus with his household guard rushes to defend his wife and child. 1 History 1.1 Brave 1.2 The Legend of Mor'du 2 Appearance 3 Songs Elinor tells Merida about how the king divided the kingdom between his four sons when he died, and how he was wise and good but one of his princes felt like he had been betrayed and destroyed the kingdom in his quest for power. The spell he received eventually transformed him into a bear, and he murdered his family, causing the fall of the kingdom. As a bear, he has improved nightvision and a great sense of smell to keep tracking Merida. Though they give the princess and the queen time to escape on horseback, Mor'du shows no fear nor vulnerability to them. Mor'du is the main antagonist of Brave, and the protagonist of the short The Legend of Mor'du. This is why the family seems to have an inescapable connection to Mor'du. Mor'du is hidden in the backgrounds of the movie teaser and theatrical release posters. As a result, Mor'du was left as a vicious, malevolent monster. Also, Fergus' sword shattered when he struck the great black bear, which many weapons might have. Please feel free to read what others say about this name and to share your comments if you have more information.. N.B. While the eldest prince commanded a powerful army, the battle remained a bitter stalemate. Even more disturbing, Mor'du's effigy on the carving appears to have been viciously clawed, implying that he. As Fergus draws his sword and goads the bear to attack, Mor'du strikes, cutting to black. Then, when Elinor-bear was captured. Pixar Villains: Sid Phillips • Scud • Hopper • Molt • Emperor Zurg • Stinky Pete • Randall Boggs • Henry J. Waternoose III • Bruce • Syndrome • Chick Hicks • Chef Skinner • AUTO • Charles F. Muntz • Lotso • Miles Axlerod • Professor Z • Mor'du • Thunderclap • Ernesto de la Cruz • Evelyn Deavor • Dragon the Cat Mor'du has similarities to the vile Cambodian ruler Pol Pot. He returned to command his army, but they saw only the dreaded beast and so turned against him. Alignment He had brown hair and a beard and wore a dark-colored robe paired with a fur cloak. When Mor'du was human, he had once possessed a close familial bond with his father and three younger brothers. A legendary monster, Mor'du is an over 13-foot-tall bear with huge claws, a misaligned jaw, and long, sharp teeth. Just as the latter did, Mor'du refused to take responsibility for the traditions and the lives of his people and allowed his nation to fall into destruction and decay, leaving behind a tragic legacy of misery and mass graves. Mor'du first appears in the film's prologue, when Merida, daughter of King Fergus and Queen Elinor, fires an arrow off into the woods and goes to get it back. Mor'du's name may come from "mor" and "dubh", the respective Gaelic words for "giant" and "black", which appropriately describes his physical appearance and fur color. However, her mother is attacked by King Fergus and chased to the ring of stones. The prince the spell that turned him into the beast . Elinor, seeing the menhir they damaged earlier, smashes Mor'du against the menhir and damages it more, but is struck down. As a human, Mor'du had a strong build and was the tallest of his brothers. Mor'du's real name (from when he was human) is unknown, as he is known by this name as a demon bear. Mor'du doesn't appear on the show as of yet. Merida realizes she must mend the bond torn by pride (as the Witch said), fixing a tapestry her mother had made of Merida and the family, thereby breaking the spell. 1 Disney History 1.1 Brave 1.2 The Legend of Mor'du 2 Songs 3 Appearance 4 Trivia 5 Gallery When Merida was young he followed her to the camp and attacked, biting off her father's leg. Great brute strengthSpeedEndurance and stamina Affiliations No one really knows why Mor'du wanted to kill Merida (or her family and possibly the Lords and their sons). Mor'du's unnamed father is a character in Legend Of Mor'du and is mentioned briefly in Brave. King Fergus' sword was said to have shattered when he swung it against the beast's side and when Merida attempted to fend him off with an arrow to the forehead, it splintered into bits when it struck him. BraveTemple Run: BraveDisney Infinity 2.0 (townsperson)Disney Sorcerer's Arena Enemies Scotland is a land of myths and legends. Disney Villains Gerda summons her powers to jump between "limbo" and recruits a real life version of Luta to take on Mor'du. "Mordu" is also French for "bitten," which is somewhat also suitable to Mor'du's character, for biting is the method in which he had removed King Fergus' leg. Asked by Wiki User. Inside, she finds a throne room very similar to her own family's and a shattered stone carving of four brother, one of the brothers broken from the others. Mor'du's character, motivations, and actions are a dark parallel to those of, Both Mor'du and Merida also damaged their respective family heirlooms as part of declaring their separation, the carved stone and the tapestry respectively, only to later regret what their actions caused. Mor'du garnered surface level characterisation in the animated film, merely supplying functional antagonism to a story that did not really require such menace. Curiously enough, this is actually reversed for the word "bear", which actually originates from the Old English word for "brown", which appropriately describes the animal's appearance. The Ancient King † (father)The Three Brothers † (younger brothers) Mordu is a character played by Kobob23 1 About him 2 Personality 3 Powers, abilities and weapons 4 Quotes 5 Videos Mor'du is a bear and the main antagonist from the film Brave. He tried to kill Merida but Elinor saved her. There is nothing surprising in this: both names have the same origin or the same numbers of numerology. Miscellaneous. Mor'du is completely different from who Merida is and what she did. From the undergrowth, it is shown that Mor'du is watching her. Not only is he bigger than Elinor was, but he seems to have a hunched back which is covered with a lot of old spears and arrows, and there are part of his fur that seem to be burned off. New Comics. Source Mor'du ist ein gefährlicher Bär, der in den schottischen Highlands, nahe des Schlosses DunBroch lebt. However, her mother is attacked by King Fergus and chased to the ring of stones. It gave him strength tenfold, but, to his surprise, it also transformed him into a great black bear. Mor'du appears, stalking Merida from the shadows and he charges. The "Song of Mor'du" is a song from the 2012 Disney/Pixar animated film Brave.It features King Fergus and his men singing about the latter's encounter with the legendary demon bear Mor'du.. Later, Merida and her mother (now turned into a bear) follow a trail of wisps to a foggy ruin, bearing the crossed axes of Mor'du's family. It starts off with a very young Merida and her family having a relaxing, happy picnic, then a Mood Whiplash in Mor'du's appearance. Sometimes it happens that another name has the same meaning. However, Merida mentions his legend to Belle when wanting that she prepare a magical potion allowing to transform into giant bear, similar to Mor'du, to save her brothers. As Merida rushes to save her mother and change her back, Mor'du stands from the shadows, following her. Whether or not this is actually true is unknown. Add a photo to this gallery It is then that the real Mor'du appears, having seen Merida, and the warriors attack, only to be thrown away. From the undergrowth, it's suggested that Mor'du is watching her. The legendary fight between King Fergus and Mor'du begins. Mor'du in his human form before he became a bear. Merida convinces her mother that if they don't break the spell, she'll become a wild bear forever like Mor'du. However, it can be presumed that as the Will-o'-the-Wisps can lead anyone to their fate, Mor'du (having encountered the wisps before as a human) might have wanted to kill Merida as she is the one following the wisps. Mor'du is a monstrous, 15 feet tall black bear with huge claws, a misaligned jaw, and long, sharp teeth. When Mor'du was human, he had once possessed a close familial bond with his father and three younger brothers. Mor'du trying to grab Merida as she jumps to reach her mother's paw. He did not wear a shirt, which showed that his body was covered with various tattoos. Starving for victory, the prince cursed his fate and stalked the woods until he came to an ancient circle of stones. Eurasian bears are many shades of brown (light brown to dark brown) but Mor'du is all black, possibly to represent the darkness in him. The Prince looking at Merida and Elinor. Mor'du is the main antagonist of Disney/Pixar's 2012 animated feature film Brave, and the titular protagonist of the short The Legend of Mor'du. Curiously enough, this is actually reversed for the word "bear", which actually originates from the Old English word for "brown", which appropriately describes the animal's appearance, specifically that of the North American grizzly bear. 15 feet tall, black fur, glowing yellow eye and one dead red eye, large sharp teeth, giant claws, arrows sticking from his upper backIn his human form: Gigantic, muscular, pointy nose, long black hair, half-naked, tattoos on his chest and arms Forums. He has many hideous scars and wounds across his body and the broken shafts of arrows, spears ,and axes from many past attempts to kill him sticking from his upper back, proof of all the murder he has committed over the years.

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