The captain took part in setting up an ambush on the approaching Separatist forces, but Kenobi and Cody were ambushed themselves. Rex had great loyalty to the Republic and defended it by facing the Separatist Droid Army. [17] However, he had a friendly relationship with Anakin Skywalker's astromech R2-D2,[27] and a respectful relationship with the Lothal rebel cell's astromech droid Chopper. Rex refused, but Ventress used a mind trick to make him contact Skywalker. For this mission, Rex and Kanan were to disguise themselves as stormtroopers while Chopper was painted black to mimic an Imperial communications droid. Rex spotted Governor Roshti and attempted to escape with Kenobi and Roshti, but they were captured. [8], Later, Rex and the former Imperial Security Bureau Agent Alexsandr Kallus accompanied the Specters on an undercover mission to the Imperial-occupied planet of Lothal. This tactic fooled the life-form scanners of the blockade around the planet, and its crew and the droids landed the shuttle in a cave close to the Citadel prison. [98], The rebel mission was complicated when Grand Admiral Thrawn requested an audience with Kallus and Lieutenant Lyste aboard his Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera. Skywalker left Tano in command of the Resolute. If you don't want that to happen, do you know what that means? After their failed first attack, Rex and Skywalker gave Master Windu their progress report. [18] During the Clone Wars, Rex would work alongside the Clone Commander Cody,[19] the Jedi Generals Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, and the Jedi Padawan Ahsoka Tano. At the urging of Ezra, the rebels intervened in the fight and defeated the Imperials. Sabine also aided Rex's team by sealing a blast door so that they could proceed with their mission to reactive the power terminal. During the skirmish, Rex used the Ghost's laser cannon to blast several of the Jumptroopers. [82], Rex continued to oversee the 501st troopers. However, Syndulla responded that they had poured much effort into finding the base and should not give up. Rex followed Skywalker to a tunnel, where they witnessed Tano escaping from them. Despite departing on friendly terms, Kalani thought that the rebellion had a poor chance of success and parted for parts unknown. Reply +7 [-] Itterally in the last episode COMMANDER rex served in the battle of endor Thats it Wookiepedia said he was part of solo's strike time, but he is NOT on screen. Hera then arrived with the Ghost to pick them up. [103], Ezra stopped the bombardment by offering to surrender himself. Under the orders of Hera, the rebel convoy set a course for Yavin 4. Rex was produced from the template of the bounty hunter Jango Fett. Rex taught them how to use weapons such as the droid poppers against the battle droids. Despite this, the two would maintain a deep respect for each other after the Clone Wars and came to regard each other as friends, so much so that he killed several of his own brothers to save her life during Order 66. [94], Rex used a magnetic crane to trap the dismantler droid against a metal container before pushing it down into Yarma's volatile depths. The clones and Skywalker then headed back to Anaxes. Despite the objections of Fives, Jesse, and the rest of the 501st, Rex convinced his men to carry out Krell's orders. [94], Rex accompanied Ezra's team and Hondo on the Phantom to Reklam Station. [99], Rex took part in the Battle of Atollon. He wanted to show them a taste of battle and brought them back up to the platform. Near the end of the Clone Wars, the 212th Attack Battalion and the 501st Legion, led by Jedi Generals Kenobi and Skywalker, fought in a battle on the planet of Yerbana, with the two battalions fighting on different fronts. They used their ascension cables to climb down. Rex warned that the Empire would return to the planet, an assessment shared by Kallus who hoped that the Rebel Alliance would finally send support. Tact was killed by Rex during the Battle of Endor after challenging his former leader to the death. Rex and Skywalker then realized that Denal was actually Bane in disguise, but he escaped. They spotted a Confederate fleet approaching, but were unable to contact the Republic. 109 comments. Echo was alive, but many of his body parts had been replaced with prosthetics, and he was kept in an induced coma. Ahsoka Tano and Rex embrace after years of being apart. CT-6873, nicknamed Brando, was a veteran clone trooper during the Clone Wars and was part of Hellfire squad. [93], Following the mission, Rex and the other Spectres were present on the runway when the Phantom landed at Chopper Base. He was saved by Representative Binks, who used Tik's lightsaber. Archived. [102], While traveling back to Lothal, the rebels waited in space at Hondo's suggestion to catch a ride on an Imperial Class four container transport. However, their shuttle was destroyed,[48] and ARC trooper Echo was believed to have been killed. This thread is archived. Splitting them up during the escape would make it more difficult for the Separatists to get the full information. [68], Rex also developed a friendship with Skywalker's Padawan, Ahsoka Tano, and became a mentor to her, offering her advice and valuable leadership experience, teaching her that experience outranked everything. On the way, they were attacked by more stormtroopers. Sabine stayed on Lothal to help keep a watchful eye on Ezra's homeworld. These light cruisers crashed into the Interdictor; destroying it in a fiery explosion. Later, Rex corresponded with Hera and her crew by hologram while discussing a plan to rescue the Iron Squadron captain Mart Mattin from Imperial forces. [49] At some point, a photograph was taken of Cody, Fives, Echo, and Rex, which Rex treasured greatly. There are two conflicting sources for this article: Battle above Quell and crashing on Maridun, Battle for Ringo Vinda and the biochip conspiracy. Rex Rex and his comrades' first encounter with the Ghost rebels almost ended in violence when Kanan thought the clone troopers were a threat and ignited his lightsaber. With the aid of Poletec scouts, the clones and Skywalker traveled to the Techno Union city of Purkoll. They informed Senator Organa and Commander Sato about their successful rescue of Saw, their acquisition of a deflector core, and their discovery of the Imperial genocide against the Geonosians. When Ezra opined that the B1 battle droids did not look dangerous, Rex responded that these droids had killed many of his friends. Once the clones began to unload equipment, it was discovered that the asteroid they were on was about to explode. Biographical information [100], During the space battle, Rex and Zeb manned the guns aboard the Ghost. However, in the process, Tup was temporarily captured by Separatist forces on his departure from the station. [76], When Admiral Trench realized the deception, he activated a time bomb in the factory's fusion generator. [102] Rex later used his military experience and combat skills to help the rebels capture the Dome during the Liberation of Lothal. Point being, don't be surprised if we see an "Endor Captain Rex" Funko Pop at some point. [101], Following the Spectres' mission to the Lothal Jedi Temple, Rex accompanied Syndulla and Kallus on a trip to the planet Seelos to recruit several old friends of Ezra to assist in the liberation of Lothal. hide. As stormtroopers tried to storm the command center, Rex and the other rebels evacuated aboard the Ghost, which was being flown by Rex's fellow clone trooper Wolffe, Mart Mattin, and Cikatro Vizago. While traveling inside Yarma's gassy atmosphere, the Phantom was pursued by two Imperial DTS-series Dismantler Droids. He and Kenobi were then brought before Keeper Agruss, who was ordered by Count Dooku to execute them. He also warned his fellow rebels to be worried about what Saw did not find on Geonosis. Rex, Kenobi, and Roshti were taken to Kadavo, to its slave-processing facility. Rex tried to reason with Krell to no avail. Kalani accepted these terms, and the "simulation" began. While traveling through hyperspace, the two men argued about their mission. Gregor told him it was a pleasure fighting alongside him for a greater cause before dying in his arms. Gender Without a word between the two of them, Rex and Cody devised a trap; Rex pretended to leave the room, while Cody stood with his back to Slick's hiding spot as well as his gun. With Commander Sato's permission, Kanan along with Chopper and Sabine took part in a mission to destroy the Protectors' starfighters on the third moon of Concord Dawn. RELATED: Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Star Wars' DUMBEST Jedi However, Rex rejected Titus' terms and the Admiral ordered an interrogator droid to torture him to death while two stormtroopers pinned him down over a round portal. Once safely airborne, the rebels detonated the Dome, wiping out the Imperial garrison on Lothal and ending Imperial rule on the planet. By cross-referencing several Republic and Lothalian star charts, the rebels had identified the planet Berzite's moon as a prospective candidate. As Kenobi delayed Loathsom with a drawn-out surrender, Rex noticed the shield drop just in time and ordered the cannons to finish off the tanks, ending the battle. Give an all-new-for-April-2019 LEGO® Star Wars™ build and play experience with this 75238 Action Battle Endor Assault set.Kids will love to build the tree and Imperial speeder bike models with friends and family. During the early stages of the Rebellion, Rex would use his skills and knowledge to help advance the Rebel Alliance's cause. Wren held off the creatures, but Rex was taken captive. [87], Rex took on the remaining stormtroopers in single-hand combat only to be stunned. He was close with Marshal Commander Cody, with their relationship mirroring that of their respective Jedi Generals, Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi, whom Rex was also well acquainted with.

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