Venomous snakes (NOT POISONOUS- venom refers to an injected toxin, poison is used for topical, ingested or inhaled toxins), Ticks (technically an arachnid, not an insect, but grouped here because they both are small and transmit diseases). Moose on the Appalachian Trail. As a veterinary technician at a wildlife hospital and rehabilitation center, I have several suggestions. (Bees release a chemical when they sting, which may attract other bees.). The types of species that carry rabies are raccoons, skunks, woodchucks, bats, weasel species and relatives, canines, and felines. Since death is not instantaneous, the rodents leave the bait box and slowly grow weaker as the toxin takes affect. Stretching across 14 states, more than 76 miles of the Appalachian Trail (AT) are in Georgia. We use cookies to personalize content, to provide social media features and to analyze our traffic. Respect them and give the snake his or her space. is a serious concern. To learn more, please visit the About This Site page. A collection of resources for hikers to stay safe, healthy, and responsible on the Appalachian Trail. West Nile virus (WNV) is the leading cause of mosquito-borne disease in the continental United States. Unfortunately, that’s not all they kill. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media and analytics partners. This is so the skunk cabbage plant can regulate its temperature and survive when the ground is frozen! Our site relies heavily on Javascript. Most Nobos hit the wave in NJ/NY, and for me, a Sobo, mosquito alley occurred in MA. Therefore, focus on where they like to hide. Two poisonous plants can be found along the A.T. The wildlife a person might encounter in the Appalachian Mountains includes a wide variety of animals: Mammals (moose, white-tailed deer, black bears, beaver, chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels, foxes, raccoons, opossums, skunks, groundhogs, porcupines, bats, weasels, shrews, and minks) Note if they’ve gotten worse or if you experience new symptoms. Photo Credit Bob Gibbons. The Appalachian Trail twists and turns for 2,190 miles through 14 states from Georgia to Maine. Appalachian Trail Conservancy Skunk Cabbage along the Appalachian Trail in Paris, VA Did you know that skunk cabbage is thermogenic, meaning that it emits warmth? Do not use a “cut and suck” method to try and remove venom. And please, for Pete’s sake, don’t feed them. Yellow jackets are the type most likely to be encountered in multiple numbers by hikers because they make their nests on the ground and may occasionally be encountered on the Trail, most often in August or September but they can be present until the first frost. 0.5 mile in the park, white blazes, more difficult hiking. Therefore, with all wildlife, if you just make some noise and/or make yourself visible but give them their space, you will ensure both their and your safety. Below are lists of the animals I encountered, followed by a list of some that I didn’t get to interact with, but you possible could! Wasps, Bees, hornets and yellow jackets are types of flying insects that are found along the A.T. and can sting you; hornets and yellow jackets are actually types of wasps. Store foods in rodent-proof containers; using bear canisters can protect your food from a variety of critters. After all, shouldn’t these places be pro-environment and conservation. We share stories, advice, news, and resources from the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and all long trails in between. Most people do not even realize they’ve been bitten, such as myself, but others feel a sting or a little pain. First, know what each species looks like and where they like to hang out. An easy meal for the hawks, owls, foxes, etc. I'll be taking on the PCT this year (2020). Our CFC number: 12230. If you get bitten by an insect, the next step is to look out for any symptoms that you are carrying a zoonotic disease. While I am a wildlife veterinary technician, former wildlife research technician, and wildlife enthusiast (hence the trail name Wildlife), I will note that I am not a veterinarian or professional wildlife biologist, so any information or advice that I give must be taken with a grain of salt. Make yourself big and try to retreat to a safe place. You may think that you have to worry about bear attacks, but these are extremmmmeeelyyyy rare. This is where it all begins (or ends). The Timberdoodle Trail is a 2.3 mile long trail which starts at Bassett’s Bridge Road and continues south of Kelly Road with parking areas on either end. I’m being repetitive here, but again, know the bugs you’re looking for, especially the different species of ticks, and it is good to know where they like to hang out and where they like to hide out on your body. If you have touched poison ivy or poison oak. They are rarely seen on the A.T., but both can cause bites that can be serious: Black widow – has a red or orange pattern on the underside of their abdomen sometimes described as an hourglass. They can be active during the day, but more so at night and will make a lot of noise. Black Widows are known as the “outhouse spider” because, you guessed it, they like to hang out in outhouses, or dark spaces in general. Massachusetts is the northern boundary of their distribution. The Appalachian Trail runs through the entire length of WMA. Rodenticide contains an anticoagulant. They flourish when hikers inadvertently feed them by dropping crumbs or spilling food when they cook in shelters. In this article […] Check toilet seats before using them. As for prevention for both mosquitos and ticks, I recommend bug spray if you’re willing to carry it. Air out a closed, mice-infested structure for at least 30 minutes with cross-ventilation before occupying it. Mice are famously known to inhabit many trail shelters. Every time I ran into a bear, I yelled or banged my trekking poles together, and the bears took off in the opposite direction. Although cases of Hantavirus are extremely rare (only one person is known to have become ill on the A.T.)  mice can transmit this potentially fatal disease through their droppings, urine, or saliva. Rattlesnake – is famous for the sound the of its rattles when it rapidly shakes its tail when agitated; however, other snakes can cause a rattling sound when they rattle their tail in dry leaves. Appalachian Trail Trees & Wildflowers is the go-to resource for anyone interested in the plants found along the 2,175-mile-long Appalachian National Scenic Trail. If you catch a rodent in the act, you can scare them off, but know that they will come back if you don’t move or make adjustments. Wildlife should run away from you quickly, so if they aren’t, it can be a red flag. Your best chance is get into a tree. Several critters that inhabit the Appalachian trail have particular concerns associated with them. It will cost about $1000 a month if you do this the right way. Our Tax ID number: 526046689. Someone in Maine even drowned a raccoon in a puddle in the woods after she was attacked. A sow, with a litter is dangerous. They generally have thicker bodies than most other snakes: If you are bitten by a snake you believe to be venomous: More information is available from the U.S. Forest Service, the National Park Service, and the  CDC. Appalachian Trail Recruit help from others. Timber rattlesnakes love to sun themselves on rocks or logs, so naturally, many people come across them in PA. Other times, they are sprawled out across the trail. Yes, I did see someone deliberately feeding a vole and a mouse. Fortunately, most people infected with WNV do not feel sick. Hopefully you will get to see some wildlife along your adventures, but remember to be safe and respectful. Download the map (pdf) Download the self-guide brochure (pdf) Wood pile: a mansion for spiders. If you see these baits, please say something. Call 911 and seek medical treatment as quickly as possible. If you clean an area with mouse droppings, it is important that you do not stir up dust by sweeping up droppings, urine, or nesting materials. When I camp and backpack, I like to rate my poops on a scale. More of the Appalachian Trail passes through Virginia than any other states and the views can’t be beat. If necessary, fight back using any object available. Copperheads are thought to be more aggressive than timber rattlesnake, but this varies. Death is extremely rare in adults. Rabies is a zoonotic viral disease that is fatal to animals that are susceptible, including us and our dogs. Mosquitos thrive in hot, humid areas with stagnant water. Sometimes people step directly over them, and it isn’t until after that they hear the rattle and realize this. Of course I forgot to include them in the problem animal section of the post, but I’ve definitely heard they are worse than bears. I would say they are more dangerous than a bear, in a surprise encounter. What does that make them? Deer in the Appalachian Mountains. They are generally passive but may bite defensively if they feel threatened. Immediately rinse your wound out with water and soap as much as possible and continue to follow directions given to you by your doctor. The vine can send out horizontal limbs from a vine that at first glance appears to be the lowest branches of the tree. It will try to bite, scratch, stab, so grabbing them yourself can lead to you getting hurt, which just makes the situation worse. There are many mammals, reptiles, birds, fish, amphibians, and insects/arachnids you can see and hear along the journey. Mice. The “insects,” ticks and mosquitos are grouped together because they both act as vectors, transmitting zoonotic diseases. But just how dangerous is hiking the Appalachian Trail, and what are those potential dangers? And what to do when things take a bad turn (for wildlife or yourself)? Identification will aid in medical treatment. With orphan situations, I’d always just leave it be. White-tailed Deer. There are no vaccines to prevent or medications to treat WNV in people. Bears inhabit or travel through nearly every part of the A.T. Sightings have increased at shelters and campsites and even small food rewards teach bears to associate humans with food. Avoid sleeping on bare ground or directly on shelter floors (use a tent or a mat). The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is a 501c3 organization. Copperhead – has a distinctive hourglass pattern but can be mistaken for other snakes. To be fair, we are invading their homes…. In Massachusetts, a researcher I worked with said they were fairly docile. It is accessed from the Trillium Parking Area and follows a portion of an administrative access road, a short segment of the Appalachian Trail, and a segment of a short spur trail (Tower Spur Trail) splitting off the Appalachian Trail. You can see them in all states, except Maine. In addition to sunning themselves on top of logs (and this goes for rattlesnakes, too), they also lay out where the log meets the ground and spaces between rocks. Stinging insects are most abundant in the warmer months. About 1 in 5 people who are infected develop a fever and other symptoms. This is a good trail for viewing wildlife. From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Barred Owl hanging out before her hunt that night. The most humane way to get rid of rodents, besides using a haverhart trap and releasing them elsewhere, is to use snap traps. Appalachian Trail in Cumberland Valley. Observe wildlife from a distance without following or approaching them. However, I will mention here, that wildlife want nothing to do with you, accept the few who want your food, but even they only want the food and will scurry away if you make your presence known or make it known that you know they are there and shoo them away. A more detailed description can be found at This may shock some of you, but the death is nearly instantaneous, minimizing the pain and suffering. The most vicious animals you are likely to encounter will be domestic dogs brought to the trail by other hikers, or the domestic dogs … The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is a 501c3 organization. Our Tax ID number: 526046689. If you begin to notice these symptoms be sure to seek medical attention. Coyotes on the Appalachian Trail. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is a 501c3 organization. Additionally, people tend to avoid all spiders I know from personal experience, as I acquired a venomous spider bite during my journey. If you do have any issues with rodents, you may just have to clean up the mess and get away from that space. The Appalachian Mountains are home to a rich diversity of plants and animals but only a few have the potential to harm you. Adult Timber Rattlesnake. 2020 South Mountain Recreation Area Guide (Published by the Herald-Mail Media) Applachian Trail History Whether you’re a thru-hiker, LASHer, weekend warrior, or day hiker, odds are you will encounter some wildlife. Additionally, bats spit, so even without a bite, a bat found in your home (or shelter) should be brought in for testing. The entire region is one big national park and in recent years, there has been a lot of damage to wildlife . About 1 out of 150 infected people develop a serious, sometimes fatal, illness. If you are bitten by an animal, wash the wound thoroughly You do want to remove jewelry or gear that could constrict blood flow, remain calm, keep the area with the bite at or below heart level, clean but do not flush wound and cover with a dry dressing. Wolves on the Appalachian Trail. With rashes, a trick to use is to outline the rash with a pen, and you’ll know it’s getting worse if the rash extends outside of the lines. With bears, be aware of any campsite or shelter closures or warnings for certain sections of trail. The majority of snake bites occur on hands because people reach out towards the snake. Mice are hosts for ticks which can carry several diseases that can be very serious if not treated. It has stunning panoramic views of the surrounding mountains. #skunkcabbage #wildlife #wildflower #AppalachianTrail #didyouknow Additional precautions are needed to stay safe when cleaning up rodent droppings or waste. However, in every state it is illegal to rehabilitate wildlife without some sort of permit or license, so there is no sense in you directly coming into contact with the animal. Similarly to the snakes, to prevent bad encounters, it is best to know what the spiders look like and where they like to hang out. However, even though it is good to know what they look like, often you don’t even see them or notice that you’ve been bitten. Read more about tick-borne illnesses and how to prevent them here. We see kidnapping far too often where I work. In addition to having its own trails, Jug End also offers access to and parking for the Appalachian Trail. Also, treat your clothes and gear with Permethrin spray. More information is available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. What I would add to this list mostly concerns particular species of concern and special situations discussed in the next sections. Rodenticide bait box- keep an eye out for these! This goes for the other species as well. Just don’t be that person who tries to sneak up on one for a good photo. Spruce Grouse (as opposed to Ruffed Grouse based on red above eye) seen in Maine. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s mission is to protect, manage, and advocate for the Appalachian National Scenic Trail. Which animals should you be wary of? In California, more than 85% of tested mountain lions, bobcats, and fishers tested positive for toxic rat poison, 19 Things 2021 Appalachian Trail Hikers Need to Know, 5 Books You Need to Read to Better Appreciate the Outdoors, Now You Can Own an Authentic Baxter State Park Trail Sign, [Book Review] 2000 Miles Together — The Raw, Unexpurgated Story of the Crawford Family, Accessing the Appalachian Trail: A List of Shuttles and Taxi Services, Gear Suggestions for an Appalachian Trail Winter Thru-Hike, How to Manage Hygiene on the Appalachian Trail, ATC Urges 2021 Hikers to Take Precautions, Consider Alternatives, Can Thru-Hiking Bring Peace? My standard poodle, Lily, aka Muddy Boots, hiked 350+ miles with me on the AT. Recruit help from others if possible. You may panic- what should you do?! PROJECT SUMMARY The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service or USFWS) has prepared this environmental assessment (EA) to evaluate the impacts of re-routing the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (Trail) through the Wallkill River National Wildlife Refuge (Refuge). The Appalachian Trail Conservancy The ATC was founded in 1925 by volunteers and federal officials working to build a continuous footpath along the Appalachian Mountains. I would say, just avoid them all together, but do be extra weary if they appear extremely aggressive, lethargic, or demonstrate neurologic disorder. Therefore, do not approach these species! In the backcountry, this may mean walking out to a trailhead instead of waiting for emergency personnel to reach you. Respect Wildlife Don’t be “that guy”. Masses of native geraniums and violets are almost taken for granted. Dagmar Dale Nature Trail South Loop; 1 - 3 miles. They will do anything within their power to get your food and destroy your expensive gear in the process. Maybe they’ll become a meal to another animal in need. Photo credit Travis W. Taggart. As their name indicates, these snakes like to hang out near water and are most active in the heat of summer. If you run into bears or porcupines along the trail, just make a lot of noise, and this will scare them off. Jug End State Reservation & Wildlife Management Area | The trail is about 2,200 miles (3,500 km) long, though the exact length changes over time as parts are rerouted or modified. Second, you can try to do something to help. Mosquitoes are best known for being a nuisance, creating welts that itch for days. Thanks Mike! It is most commonly spread to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. Virginia Bird & Wildlife Trail; Mountain Region; Appalachian Wonders; Important Notices. Mostly, they want nothing to do with you except to eat your food. Beware you don’t step on a Red Eft! Humans are animals, too, so look after your fellow creatures. Bobcats on the Appalachian Trail. Be wary when you go to use the privy, don’t reach into piles of wood, take pieces from the top, don’t reach into small dark spaces in general. Established in 1910 to build this trail stretching the length of Vermont, the club now also maintains the Appalachian Trail in Vermont and trails in the Northeast Kingdom in its mission to "make the Vermont mountains play a larger part in the life of the people." The Appalachian Trail (AT) is the best protected thread of the broader tapestry of interconnected wildlife corridors that make up Wildlands Network’s Eastern Wildway. The most commons species of mice on the Appalachian Trail are the White Footed Mouse and the Deer Mouse. This is especially important as it helps reduce overcrowding. Poison Oak – is fairly common along the A.T. from Georgia through Virginia, especially on disturbed south and west facing slopes. 1,158-acre Jug End offers some of the best scenic views of the Berkshires. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy is a 501c3 organization. Moose droppings- they’re everywhere in Maine! COVID-19 & the VBWT: Be Safe While Outdoors DGIF encourages you to be safe while outdoors. Before heading out, first check with individual sites on the Virginia Bird & Wildlife Trail to find out whether they are still open to the public. You’re going to do some hiking on the AT. You may even have them in your home. Bears on the Appalachian Trail. Precautionary measures to avoid exposure to Hantavirus: Numerous snakes inhabit the trail corridor and may be present in warm weather. Fun eco board game about hiking, backpacking, camping, and wildlife on the Appalachian Trail. If you come across an animal that you are especially concerned about, you can try to contact the local enforcement, similarly to with an injured animal. Here’s what you’re working with: With all of the species above, there are particular things to be concerned about, some more obvious than others, and particular ways to prevent any negative interactions. Check potential campsites for rodent droppings and burrows. Snakes may be active at night in very hot weather, so use a flashlight and wear shoes. So, you might be wondering: What animals will you come across? Length: 78.5 miles (0 to 78.5)Highest Point: 4,458 ft (Blood Mountain)Overview and Why it is Awesome: Springer Mountain has become an iconic landmark for the Appalachian Trail. Apply a cloth dampened with cold water or filled with ice to the bite area to reduce swelling. The Green Mountain Club is the founder and maintainer of the Long Trail - the oldest long distance hiking trail in America. If a rash develops in the next few days, apply over-the-counter products from a pharmacy to minimize discomfort. Our CFC number: 12230. You might have to buy new gear or rethink your food storage strategy. If you hike the Trail in 2021, proper planning and preparation will help ensure everyone’s A.T. experiences are safe, healthy, responsible, and successful. But, what I want from you is to keep your eyes peeled for these at hostels. Also, there is no poison involved. Learning to recognize it is the best way to avoid contact. With seasonal changes upon us, now is the perfect time to hit the Appalachian trail in Virginia for a short day trip, or a longer backpacking trip. Our Tax ID number: 526046689. Snake bites are rare, and bites from venomous snakes do not always contain venom. These diseases include West Nile virus and Zika virus transmitted by mosquitos and Lyme and Rocky Mountain spotted fever transmitted by ticks. If you are hurt or injured, call for help immediately, try to clean out any wounds, and bandage them if possible. Cottonmouths are infamously aggressive. I’m glad you mentioned wild hogs. We’re here to protect it. Poison ivy is most often seen as a vine trailing near the ground or climbing trees, sometimes with a thick, hairy stalk. Therefore, when bitten, simply wash the site with soap and water, apply a cool compress or ice pack if possible, use ibuprofen or aspirin for pain relief, and call the doctor/seek medical treatment if necessary. Be sensitive and try to avoid wildlife during certain times, such as breeding or raising young. Lastly, try to do tick checks daily, or if not daily, every few days/when you get a shower. Stick it into a gap in the rocks you’re stepping over or on the other side of a log you’re about to step over. And it has become so popular that 3 million people a year step foot on it, in some form or another. with soap and water and seek medical assistance. Keep an eye out for even a single bee flying to or from a hole in the ground; it can signal a nest of hundreds, Remain calm and still if a single stinging insect is flying around. There are several things you do NOT want to do, including applying a tourniquet, trying to suck out the venom, and applying ice. The two venomous snakes that may be found on the A.T. are both pit vipers. Taking care of incidences follows each type of animals description. With all of these snakes, just don’t be an idiot and get all up in their grill. However, they only inhabit the southern states all the way up through West Virginia, so most NoBos and Sobos will be out of these states during peak season. Additionally, if you think an animal is orphaned, it is most likely not (unless you can confirm the parent is dead). (Swatting at an insect may cause it to sting. Appalachian Trail. These small rodents may appear harmless, but they are responsible for transmitting illnesses: Lyme disease and other tick-borne diseases. These guys are often fearless of human beings in areas where there’s no hunting. Animals get sick, injured, and orphaned, if not caused by humans, it is just something that happens. They are also fast. Photo credit VA Herpetological Society. We have partnered with Mountaineers Books for the warehousing and distribution of Appalachian Trail Conservancy Publications. At the wildlife center I work at, the numbers are probably similar if not higher for birds of prey. Educate yourself about best practices to avoid negative encounters and stay safe. NOTE: Find the latest COVID-19 updates along the Appalachian Trail including a map of reported COVID-19 cases in the counties through which the Appalachian Trail passes.. Remove rings or other jewelry that could function as a tourniquet if swelling occurs. Eastern Water Moccasin. These little guys are all over the trail in peak season. At Hostels or other stops along the trail, you may see boxes similar to the one pictured below. Learn how to properly Leave No Trace on the Appalachian Trail. Try to identify or be able to describe the snake that bit you, but do not try to grab it. Just be careful with these dark spaces. This stretch of the AT offers views of some of the state's most diverse and stunning ecosystems as it winds northward through the Blue Ridge Wildlife Management Area and passes through five federally designated wilderness areas. An historic stone shelter, built in 1934 by the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) is perched on the summit.Mountain Crossings Outfitters at Neels Gap is t… Wood rats (larger than mice but generally smaller than their urban counterparts) inhabit the … Symptoms can include rash, pain, itching at bite site, nausea, vomiting, headache, and fever. If you are bitten by a snake, immediately call 911 for help or use your GPS device that may have a panic button. The Trek is All Things Thru-Hiking. You are putting yourself and the bear at risk. National Wildlife Refuge Trails By Length. I'm Wildlife, an Appalachian Trail SOBO thru hiker, Class of 2018. It is transmitted via saliva, and unfortunately, the only way to test an animal is post-mortem. A good trick to avoid encounters here is to use your trekking pole. However, they can also carry a variety of diseases. Most of these have similar symptoms to look out for, such as headache, fever, chill, rashes, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and confusion. These contain rodenticide baits to kill mice and rats. Also, every state varies on its wildlife policies. Well first, if you have these in your homes, stop using them. Volunteer opportunities are limited at this time due to COVID-19. Wild Boar on the Appalachian Trail. Appalachian Trail costs can be quite expensive, averaging about $6000 for a six-month hike which will include town expenses, trail resupply locations, and the gear that you need to bring. You will need to get to a hospital as soon as possible. Spiders are not aggressive but may bite when trapped or touched. A unit of the National Park System, the A.T. ranges from Maine to Georgia and is 2,193 miles in length. Hantavirus. Almost 40 miles of the A.T., as it is affectionately known, cross Maryland, most of which follow the ridgeline of South Mountain. Great family game - can be adapted for more experienced hikers. To prevent this CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF! Never feed wildlife, and protect your food by storing it properly (i.e. There are two types of venomous spiders on the A.T. Nothing that could travel up the food chain and kill other species. So what am I asking? So not only are the rodents dying from rodenticide toxicosis, the predators are, too. Adapted from the Centers for Disease Control. Similarly to DDT, we see bioaccumulation up the food chain. This website contains affiliate links, which means The Trek may receive a percentage of any product or service you purchase using the links in the articles or advertisements. The trail travels through 14 states along the crests and valleys of the Appalachian Mountains Range, … Our CFC number: 12230. It usually takes several days for the blisters to disappear. Please enable it for the best experience. —, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Park Service Public Health Program, A distance without following or approaching them other two, sure, they can also a. Deer Mouse NC, and fishers tested positive for toxic rat poison spruce Grouse ( opposed... Every day that threaten the Appalachian Trail have particular concerns associated with them and animals only. Is one big National park Service Public Health Program, https: //, extending 2,189 miles from through. 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Forest floor, where they camouflage best with said they were fairly docile 2,189 miles Georgia. You do have any issues with rodents, you might be wondering: what animals will you across... A healthy ecosystem – please don ’ t until after that they hear the rattle and realize this share! Carry wildlife appalachian trail variety of diseases step and where you step and where you put your.... My poops on a red Eft see, but do not try to do when Things take a bad (! These baits, please say something Trail Trees & Wildflowers is the best way to wildlife... Unfortunately, that ’ s sake, don ’ t be “ that guy ” other states the! Mountain in northern Georgia to Maine visit the about this site page worry about bear attacks, they! Similar reasons to the eyes, see a doctor list mostly concerns particular species of mice on A.T.! Of noise, and orders go out within 24 hours of being placed mostly, they to., particularly inside privies guys are all over the Trail, and insects/arachnids you can your.

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